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AJ's Family Pics

Well, for those of you who are really hard up for entertainment, here's some pictures of me and mine.

Okay, lets start with me... and let's start from the beginning :-)

Baby AJ Wasn't I cute :-)

Tugboat AJ Me in the engine room on the tug I worked on in the Navy. The USS Manistee. I was small... so you know who they had go into all the tight places. This was early 1994.

1994 This was taken on Thanksgiving Day eight years ago in Japan.

Amen This was just so cute!

Let's Party This was at her first birthday party.

Turtle Soup? Dad sent me this in a St. Paddy's Day card :-)

Funny, dad :-) A little something Dad wrote on the inside of the card :-)

Tiger 1 Tiger 2 Tiger 3 Three pictures of an almost lifesize tiger I painted on the smokestack of my tugboat in Japan. The first one is when I was just beginning it, the second one is a few months after it ws done (you can see the soot on the tiger) and the third one is a farther-away shot - when we were moored at the pier in Shimoda for the Black Ship Festival. We were supposed to park starboard-side-in, but I hadn't finished the tiger on that side, so the tugmaster arranged for us to park port-side-in to show off the one I had finished :-)

Shimoda Shimoda Panorama Here are a couple pictures I took of Shimoda, Japan when I was there back in May of 1995 (on my birthday, as a matter of fact). My tug was there for the Black Ship Festival. I actually have a LOT more pictures of Shimoda, but my scanner is no longer scanning, so I can't add them. The first pic is a small section of the town taken from one of those rides - you know, they're these little gondola things that slide down from the top of a mountain on a cable thin enough to floss your teeth with. The second pic is two small pics I stuck together to make sort of a panorama of the bay. This is the same Shimoda from my story When She Loved Me

Sisters This is a picture of me and my sister a LONG time ago. It was taken at a place called Hogback (in Connecticut). Nice socks, eh?