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The Great OverSoul and The Creation Part One

There is a "GREAT BEING"....which we call "GOD".... Who created all of these.....the "SOURCE".....the things all surrounding us.....all that are seen and all of the unseen... Indeed .....A great Cosmic Being that overshadows the Planetary System....then another great Cosmic Being that overshadows our solar system.............. Our solar system is still at the very edge of the great galaxy .....still backwards the sense of "being developed ... Then, another great Cosmic Being that overshadows a bunch of solar solar systems .....another ONE .....that overshadows a galaxy .....and another ONE that overshadows a collection of galaxies...... Then another great Cosmic Being that overshadows the whole universe ....and another Great Cosmic Being that overshadows a bunch of there an end to this ? Heard of the word "ETERNITY" ? Do you get the picture now ? This great "COSMIC BEING" we call "GOD" ......I don't think is a person.....with a physical body or soul .....I don't think "HE" just sits down in the "HEAVENS" in a throne.....waiting to pass judgment on what we ever on our lifetime... If HE is out in the universe out there creating all of these......what form is HE ? or what ? .......can HE be a powerful ENERGY out there......greater than the SUN ....other stars....other galaxies..... From the smallest place we occupy here on earth .... and as small as we can "HE" possibly "KNOW" us intimately and respond to our needs and desires...... how much more LOVE us ? Can HE be an energy called LOVE ? Can HE be everywhere? Does He have a beginning and an end ? Can He really be as powerful as those great cosmos and universes and suns He created ? Is the GOD that overshadows the earth and the very distant universes the same ???? Is He is everywhere ....can God be found within my very tiny soul inside my physical body ???? HUH !!!!! This is so incredible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Of course ....all of the answers are YES!)

Where do we come from ?

Links to Know your God Within.......

Basic Esoteric Teachings
Compilation of Maitreya's Teachings
Teachings of the Ascended Masters
Maitreya's Teachings in Audio Format
