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MARCH 30, 2000




The end of chaos

by the Master --, through Benjamin Creme

When one looks at the world with the clear eye of knowledge, there is revealed to that discerning gaze a view altogether different from that held by most observers. To the vast majority, this is a world in chaos, characterized by war, flood and pestilence. Terror reigns in the hearts of millions. To be sure, the world today knows all of these catastrophes -- and many suffer grievously as a result -- but behind the terror and the pain there is a growing sense of hope that things will change for the better, that this period is interim and will not last for ever. Thus it is in many areas where the turmoil is greatest, the hardship most acute and most difficult to bear.


Behind it all, behind the endless and mindless destruction, this world is emerging from a dark and dream-filled sleep, the awakening from which is difficult and traumatic in the extreme. New and powerful energies are stirring humanity to action as never before, and, as always in such a situation, the first responses are mixed: chaotic and destructive, followed by a new and higher rhythm which gradually imposes itself on the whole.


We who look at life beyond the outer forms and events know with certainty that this difficult period has all but run its course, that the stability and calm yearned for by so many is almost at hand, and that humanity is wakening, refreshed and renewed, from its long, dark night. Thus is the world now ready for the reappearance of the Christ. Thus are men now ready for what he has to give.


When he came before through his disciple, Jesus, men were unready to respond to his teaching. Today, through centuries of suffering, education and experience, are men prepared to understand and act upon his precepts. As Preceptor does he come; as Teacher, not saviour, does he fulfil his mission.

Soon, the One for whom the world waits will emerge and present himself for all to see. Soon, men will engage in a dialogue with their higher Selves and make their choice to live or die. Thus is being enacted the great drama of this time.

Little though men may know it, the end is known from the beginning, and they may be well assured of the final triumph of Reason and Truth. Maitreya will use as signal the collapsing stock-markets, the gambling halls of greed; then will he enter, openly, the arena of the world and state his case for justice and freedom, sharing and common sense.

Well may men take stock of themselves and their priorities, their aspirations and values, for on their coming decision lies the future of the world, the well-being of humanity and their immediate role in the Plan of God. We, the Watchers, your Elder Brothers, await with confidence and joy your just decision and future glory.

[This article from Share International magazine, May 2000, is by a senior member of the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed. Benjamin Creme, a principal spokesman about the emergence of Maitreya, is in constant telepathic contact with this Master who dictated his article to him.]


With the candles lit, incense and the beautiful sound of "OM" by Master Choa Kok SUI ( from the Pranic Healing Association ) we started the transmission meditation routine. We prayed the Great Invocation and then, into silence and concentration on our ajna center ( spot between our eyebrows ) while closing our eyes. Transmission Meditation was done exactly from 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM.

Towards the end, Erica commented to me how did I do it ? She told me that all aorund me was white light, with about 19 rays in exact alignment, one longer than the other. I reviewed how I was feeling at that moment.....I can feel tingling around my feet, and warth around my body especially at my head part. As far as her question....I really didn't do much.....just being quiet and constantly hearing the word "OM".....Tonight, the difference is that I changed our musical background to "OM, the SOund of Mala" by Master Choa Kok SUI and there are only two of us instead fo three people. SO that we were unable to form a triangle, but happened is that we had individual transmission.

Erica wanted me to lay hands on her afterwards.....she ahd a lingering headache from days before. After healing prayer and laaying of hands, she told me her headache was instantly gone......and didn't come back for the following days....and weeks.......

Erica was commenting also how my aura's color is changed the last days.....if it is not light is white.......becomes bright white whenever I do meditation........

I noticed a gradual transformation occurring in me....I always think about God, how to help others iiin my pathway and if given the chance, start talking about God's love and it interrelates to our daily living.....and my friends, esp at work seem to start listening.....I had two requests to get them started on mediation because they simply feel stressed-out........I am also in the process of sortin out my work schedule to fit in this responsiblity and also taking care of the family and finances. A lot of changes recently had been happening. I am just waiting for the outcome and works of The Masters. I know they will provide a way for me to carry on this important task of service and make transmission meditation known .

Thank you for your time and May the Masters" Great WHite Light, Love and Power and Peace envelope you right as you read this message !


Issued May 5, 2000 to the internet

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