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OK, I decided that it would be more convenient to go ahead & update this page & make it fit along with what's going on around me & what I'm doing now. When I first made this page, I didn't give a lot of effort or emphasis to it, but I know for a fact that people are checking out this page. I guess it's safe to say that a lot has changed (for the better). The big news of my life is that I've landed that IT (Information Technology) job that I've always dreamed of doing. I work as a Systems Operator & the job is a major learning experience. Each day I walk in that room, something different happens each time, & that's what makes things different. So, now, it's safe to say that I'm making the...

Well, just to let you all know, I'm still pushing patients once in a while @ MCV & that's something to keep the bills paid & the lights on as of late. I recently turned 23 & my biggest focus is to make sure that comfort crosses my path more than anything. I also make sure that it crosses others paths as well.

I have found this site that allows you to play online Scrabble & the website is E-Mail Scrabble Please check it out if you're interested

If you want to see some hilarious pictures, then check out my second page. The Page is: Photo Album