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"You are searching for what?"
Light Side - Throne Room Mains deck
by Dan Bojanowski

This is the Star Wars CCG Light Side deck used by Dan Bojanowski to win the Virginia State Championships. Dan's strategy hints follow, below.

Locations (12)
Yavin IV: Massassi Throne Room
Dagobah: Yoda's Hut
Rendezvous Point
Endor: Chief Chirpa's Hut
Hoth: Echo Command Center (War Room)
Yavin IV: Massassi Headquarters
Yavin IV: Massassi War Room
Cloud City: Carbonite Chamber
Cloud City: Guest Quarters
Cloud City: Lower Corridor

Characters (18)
Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2
Master Luke
Luke With Lightsaber x2
Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2
Leia With Blaster Rifle
Lando With Blaster Pistol
Pucumir Thryss
Figrin D'an
Harc Seff
Romas "Lock" Navander
Tawss Khaa
Momaw Nadon
Jeroem Webb

 Starships (3)
Millennium Falcon
Tantive IV

Creatures (2)
Nudj x2

Effects (6)
Battle Plan
Bacta Tank
Wise Advice
Projection Of A Skywalker x2
What Are You Trying To Push On Us?

Interrupts (19)
Don't Forget The Droids
On The Edge x2
Off The Edge x2
Fall Of The Legend x2
Throw Me Another Charge x2
Path of Least Resistance x2
Shocking Information x2
Tunnel Vision x2
The Signal
Run Luke, Run!
Sorry About The Mess
Careful Planning

how it works:
This is a Throne Room Mains deck, originally created by Yannick Lapointe, with a few modifications to fit my style of play. Start off by getting set up with lots of Force generation from all of the twix (2-0) locations. Once the opponent has committed to a location, make your decision whether to fight them there, or just drain on Cloud City. The key to the deck is the retrieval. Start tracking destiny early. Your opponent WILL get to look at your deck (verification), but the cycling six is just too useful to pass up. During some games, my opponent got to look at my deck on the first turn, but it didn't matter. There's not much they can do if they are not prepared. Loop the On the Edges and Off the Edges so that you retrieve them after use. The drains on Cloud City are huge with Pucumir Thryss. Spread on Cloud City and use Path of Least Resistance to bring characters into/out of battles. - Dan Bojanowski
