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Smokie's Bandits Battletech Mercenary Group

 Smokie's Bandits

Reid's getting too serious about this salvage thing.

"Shoot first, ask who it was later!"
Last update: 04/12/2001

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Rick Reid.
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A Rifleman on our support lance takes a hit.

          As you board the mercenary Dropship, you hear a computerized voice off to your right: "Unidentified personnel detected" "Scanning" "You are cleared for security level 1. Don't cause any trouble or you will be jettisoned into the vacuum of space. Have a nice day". You feel a shiver run down your spine at the warning and wonder if boarding the ship was a good idea. You decide that as long as you behave the mercs will leave you alone, but you're glad you decided to leave your valuables back at your ship. Off to your left, a computer screen lights up and displays: "Sign the Ships Registry". After signing the ship's registry, you walk down the docking bay into a corridor and come to an intersection. There are several corridors that lead to different areas of the ship...

Unit History-

How we became what we are today go down one of the corridors to your left and come to a door. Upon entering the room, you see several computer screens around you. Within these databanks are the units entire history. If you wish to read the history of Smokie's Bandits, call up the display here. Otherwise, you decide to go back to the intersection... 

Unit Commanders-

The idiots that think they are in control decide that you don't need to know how this unit was formed, so you return to the intersection. You choose to go down a corridor to your right. You come to a large computer screen that displays the commanding officers of the unit. If you wish to view this information, turn on the Computer Screen. Otherwise, you decide to return to the intersection...

Wanted: Professional Help-

Meet the morons behind the 'mechs decide to return to the intersection. You hear some music coming from the corridor in front of you and decide to investigate. You come to a door and open it. Inside is a bar room / rec room. The air is a little hazy from smoke and you cough as the smell of burning cigars and drugs attacks your nostrils. You look around at the scruffy looking characters in the bar. Some of them give you a menacing look, while others seem to stare at the walls. Up in the rafters, you see an ape wearing a camoflaged uniform and rank insignia, and duck as it sends a half emptied beer can in your direction. One of the mean looking punks sets his jaw and says "What you looking at wimp? Do you want me to rearrange your face?" Your knees begin to weaken upon hearing this threat and you begin to sweat. If you wish to take your chances and find out more about these bandits, then walk in. Otherwise, you choose to soil your pants and run back to the safety of the intersection...


How we do what we do decide to return to the intersection, and begin to wish you had a spare set of undies. You look to you're right and see another corridor. At the end of it is a computer terminal. The contents of this computer are top secret, but someone forgot to log out. You know you could be in big trouble for viewing this info, but your curiosity is begging you to take a peek. If you're feeling a little brave, then walk over to the terminal. Otherwise, you return to the intersection...

Battlefield Pics-

Archive of our adventures decide to not risk your hide and return to the intersection. Off to your right is another corridor. Inside the room at the end is a gallery with many photos and holovids of the unit's adventures. If you want to take a rest and view the pictures, walk into the room. Otherwise, you decide to return to the intersection...

Force Composition-

The machines that have actually survived our battles decide that looking at pictures is boring and return to the intersection. You decide to return to the docking bay and look around. There is a large hanger bay off to your left. As you walk in, you see the units battlemechs around you. You are completely in awe of the giant machines of war. If you wish to look around at the weaponry, walk around the room, but don't touch anything! Otherwise, you decide to walk out of the docking bay and return to the intersection...

High Tech Punks-

The Clan Enemy

...You return to the intersection. Down a corridor to your left, you see a room with a light on. As you walk up to it, you can see that there are several computer screens inside. This room has data on the Bandits' enemies. One unit is dedicated to the Clans. You see writing on the wall that it occupies, all of it is handwritten and have various profanities and crude words about certain Clan Khans. It seems that the various unit members do not mind making their hatred of the Clans known. If you wish to view the information on this computer, switch the computer on. Otherwise, you choose to return to the intersection.


Why on earth would you want to go somewhere else? decide to return to the intersection. You aren't sure where to go now, but you do know that you don't have the guts to stay here any longer. If you wish to go back to your ship and find your mommy, walk into the docking bay and get in you shuttle. Otherwise, you decide to explore the ship some more... 

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Disclaimer a.k.a legal stuff to keep me from getting sued: Battletech, 'Mech, Mechwarrior, and any Battletech related material are the property of FASA, used without permission. Smokie's Bandits are property of Richard Reid, Jr. All information is taken from Battletech books or sites. Note to FASA: In many sections I have quotes and material that were gained from the various Battletech books. My intent was to give people who have no knowledge of Battletech some inside info so that they can understand the site as well as gain support for the game. I do not believe that what I have placed on this site will cause people to stop buying source books or rule books, on the contary, I believe it will gain new players who will be willing to buy Battletech products. I believe that while companys can make games, it is the players who bring life to RPG's such as Battletech, and I hope that in creating this site I have made an appreciated addition to the Battletech universe.