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The Original Introduction (9-1999)

Thank you for visiting my Dragon Ball Z site. This site is dedicated to my best friend and the greatest Anime of all time, Dragon Ball Z. Please check out my cool links. If you have any questions or comments about my web page or DBZ e-mail me at Also,please sign my guestbook before you exit my site. A special thanks to EDBZ for the new banner! I just got Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22, Dragon Ball Final Bout, and Dragon Ball Z Legends for Playstation and THEY ROCK! If you have them and need any tips or if you want to give me some tips just e-mail them to me. Piccolo's Dragon Ball Z Page has just turned a year old. I want to thank all of you who have supported me and all of you who have visited my site. I'll keep this site up for as long as DBZ is popular so all of you out there please keep it that way forever. Thanks!


Hey all! This is The Leper back for an update. I used to do some coding and maintenence for Adam (the webmaster) on this site back in its heyday. I had a lot of fun doing it but I soon grew up and away from this website and DBZ. Today I stumbled across it and decided to do a little bit of renovation. Way back in '99 when the site first began, Adam and I couldn't make this site look the way we truly wanted and always looked forward to the day our HTML skills progressed and we obtained Photoshop. That day has finally come (six years later). I think whenever I have time, I will slowly renovate and re-code the site to finally bring it to the state Adam always wanted. It will be a slow process, but a continuing one which I will complete in the following year(s).


Hey all of you DBZ fans out there! It sure has been a while since I left a message to all of you on this site. I must admit that for a while there I got out of watching DBZ and just quit working on my site. I have grown much older and wiser over these past three years, but I soon discovered that I'll never grow out of DBZ. When I first made my site I was very inexperienced, but now I know a thing or two about this stuff. I will soon begin work to make my site better than ever by adding more Bios, a DBZ video game reviews section, and weekly comments from me on the current status of the series. I recently got into playing DBZ Budokai for the PS2 and I think it comes close to being the best DBZ game out there. As I close, I request that if anyone has some DBZ fanfiction that they would send it to me via e-mail and I'll post it and, of course, give credit to the author. That's all for now. Bye!

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