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Hello, all, and welcome to my little corner of the World Wide Web!  My name is Jamie, and I am a seminarian, studying for the priesthood for the Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia.  Those of you who have followed my presence on the web may be thinking to yourselves "Uh-oh, here he goes again!"...but this time I'm intent on creating a webpage that is not perpetually under construction!  So bear with me as I try to make myself a permanent home on the World Wide Web...because, Let's Face It, I've been a nomad for 6 years, and there are no signs of me stopping in the near future!

In the meantime, take a gander at what I have, and let me know what you think (once I get my guestbook up and running, that is!).

To all of my loyal followers, fear not!  The Moment of Zen, Quote Archive, and the Gammons Quote shall return, following a little cosmetic lift.

I hope, also, to include pages of my many travels--once I find my scanner!

Please Note: I apologize for the annoying and unattractive banners on these pages.  Should you wish to see them no longer, I will accept donations to relocate this site to its own ad-free domain!

This is me in front of the Arc de Triomphe during my impromptu trip to Paris in 2003.

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