I'm 19 as of my last birthday. I live in Norfolk, Virgina. Check out my song list, links, how to contact me, and concert reviews.

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Here's a prom picture.

h0w 2 C0ntaCt M3!

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  • PrettyLuSh_GJLuv@hotmail.com

    Concert Reviews (Listed By Date)

    Ozzfest 2002
    Ozzfest was the last concert I went to. It was in Richmond. It was incredibly hot. The dude from Drowning Pool had died the night before. The only bands I payed any attention to were on the second and third stages were Glassjaw and Otep. Otep was fucking awesome. She's one oof the most beautiful beings I've ever seen. And their music is incredible. I bought a new cd just to have her sign it. Then I had to haul ass to see Glassjaw play. This was my first time seeing them, and I was just.. standing there with my mouth open the whole time. And when I got a chance to meet them, I almost peed on myself. Glassjaw signed my fresh (new) t-shirt and Daryl signed "Kay & Deuce" for me. I'm excited because they're coming on the 19th, and Katie and me get to see them together this time.
    On the main stage, POD played and put everyone to sleep. And some other bands, then Rob Zombie came on and the place went fucking crazy. He's fucking awesome. And he played "Thunder Kiss '65" and "More Human that Human" of course. People were throwing dirt, toilet paper, water bottles, and packaged condoms. This woman threw water at me - I didn't like that. So I filled a condom with sun-tan lotion and smacked her in the back of the head with it (and whiped the remaining evidence on my Dickies). That was irrelevant.. what was I talking about. Oh yeah, then System of a Down came on. They were just.. oh my god. I went crazy, jumping and pogoing. I've seen them before, so I wasn't that psyched. Then it began to rain IN THE SEATED & COVERED AREA, and Ozzy made an entrance. I was so afraid he would slip and fall I could barely watch. He's contributed so many amazing sounds and ideas to the music industry, he should.. take a break. I meant retire, not like break a hip or something.

    *Kittie* w/ Unloco, Clockwise, Acacia
    Oct. 25th @ the Norva

    Awesome concert. Great performance.. just awesome.. OH MY GOD! I MET KITTIE! For those who don't know, Kittie was originally Morgan (vocals), Fallon (guitar), Talena (bass), and Mercedes (drums). Now it's Morgan, Mercedes, Jennifer on bass, and some dude on guitar.. Noone ever pays attention to him so I got him to sign my wallet after the concert. I only wanted to meet Jenn though, she's my favorite now. I mean, the old Kittie was nice and Fallon was the shit, but Jenn is just great on stage I mean.. I swear I fell in love when I saw them with My Ruin a while back. Oracle is so much harder and racier than the first cd. Just my taste I suppose. Unloco actually impressed me. Clockwise and Acacia were simple and time consuming. Got pictures, man! Here.

    We're Almost There. I'm happy!
    So is David!
    Morgan, Jennifer, and David
    David, Jennifer, and I. OH my God, she's touching me!
    The concert begins
    This is Morgan
    Morgan again!
    Morgan AND Jennifer
    This is Jennifer
    Take note, Jennifer is hot.
    This is David and Mercedes after the concert.

    *Mudvayne* w/ 40 Below Summer, Depswa
    Oct. 31st @ the Norva

    The only thing I can say about this concert is "Uhm". It was crazy insane cold outside. David and I bought $10 gift cards from fye music so we could get authentic autographed photos of Mudvayne. Which is pointless becuase nothing at fye is under 10 dollars. The older portion of the audiance was so drunk I could barely enjoy myself. Beer was spilled on me twice, and since I don't drink, that made me really fucking angry. The guy was too out of it to apologize properly. I made the mistake of wearing my new pumas. I figured since I was sick I wouldn't bother moshing.
    The concert was boring until Mudvayne came on. Depswa was awful, unorganized, and loud. Nothing else to say about them. 40 Below Summer was 86% worse last night than they were since they came with Static-X a while ago. They kept saying how they "too broke to buy weed" and asking "who's going to smoke up after the show?" Why they would want to say such things to a room full of misguided youths boggles the mind. Not impressed with their pothead-ism, I swore than one more thing about drugs and I'll never discourage any effort to support them throughout their music carreer. After that thought, 40-B-S actually improved, but ended the show with "4-20 forever".
    When Mudvayne actually came on, I was suffering from nausea, fatigue, and a slight migraine. They cheered me up though, by playing songs from their new album. Which were a lot harder than I'd expected. I tried to enjoy the concert while being tossed around by this little preppy chick in front of me, who was constanly throwing her hair in my face and mumbling the words to "Internal Primates". Afterwards, luckily, my satisfaction in Mudvayne's performance over-powered my molevalence towards potheads, drunks, preps, and females. All in all, Mudvayne rocks - I'd do it all over again.

    *Mindless Self Indulgence* w/ Dog Fashion Disco Dec. 13th @ the Norva
    Oh my goodness, this was some crazy shit. I kinda knew Urine would put on a good show, but damn. They played "Faggot", "Clarissa", "I Hate Jimmy Page", and my favorite song - "Diabolical". It's like, "Oh hoo baby, to the best of my knowledge I guess that I'm fresh." It was fucking insane. I liked Dog Fashion Disco as well, though they sound better on cd.

    *Ill Nino* E-Town Concrete, Noise Therapy, Otep Dec. 19th @ the Norva
    I went to see Otep and only Otep. E-town sucks royally. It was like the suburbs meets the ghetto and the trailor park. Noise Therapy was impressive. I saw the lead singer rubbing this girl's ass crack afterwards so he was no longer appealing. When Otep came on, my friends and I got in the zone. I think I cracked a rib, and I have a big bruise on my neck and hip. I almost passed out about three times. Her voice and words are so hynotic, they sink into you so deeply, and so quickly that all you can do is give in to the revolution. "Take no prisoners". I almost punched a few my friends, being out of control and all. They were supposed to sign some stuff after the show, but she was sick I think. So they appeared for about ten seconds. Ill Nino was lame.

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