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Guest Book

Thank you for visiting our web site, we hope that you found it to be useful and informative. If you would like more information about any of our sheep and wool products please feel free to fill out the comments section below. Note, we do not sell or distribute any of the information you provide in this guest book. Thanks again for stopping by.

First Name: Last Name:
Address #1:
Address #2:
City: State: Zip:

(Check all that apply)
Sheep: Border Leicesters
Polled Dorsets
Commercial Sheep

What Age?: Lambs
2yrs and up

Gender: Ewes

Principle Use: Commercial Breeding Stock
Show Breeding Stock
Wool Production
4-H/FFA Projects

Wool: Commercial Wool
Hand Spinning Wool

Color: White
Natural Colored - Black
Natural Colored - Silver
