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All poetry on this page was written by
Barney Blankenbeckler


I Love You Polly©
A Little White Church©
Love Those Flowers©
Our Blessed Redeemer©
I Don't Need©
My Father Is©
That Clock Ringing In My Head©
God Is The Miracle Maker©
It Falls From The Sky©
This Woman Of Mine©
Get On The Road©
I Did Not Know©
I Want To Be Like Jesus©
Have A Good Day©
The Unreal©


I love you Polly from my heart
A love from which I never part
Through thick and thin and stormy sea
You are the only one for me
You are my light in the morning
You are my comfort at night
You fill the emptiness in my heart
You make all my days turn out right
No one Polly can take your place
I'll always love your beautiful face
Through thick and thin and stormy sea
You are the only one for me
There's a light at the end of the tunnel they say
And we know God will light our darkest day
And you are the light that's been given to me
A blessing I love now and always eternally
There's times I'm up and times I'm down
But no matter in what mood I may be found
Through thick and thin and stormy sea
You are the only one for me


A little white church
Sittin on a hill
It was placed there
By God's own will
It is a place to worship
It is a place to build
It is a place to receive
And to do God's will
It is a place for preachers
It is a place for teachers too
It is a place for some singers
And it is a place for you
It is a place for sinners
It is a place for the sick
It is a place for anyone
Who needs God quick
It is a place to get strength
It is a place to rejoice
It is a place to hear God speak
Through another man's voice
It is a place for everybody
It is a place to call your own
It is a place of joy and happiness
It is a little white church that feels like home


There was two little flowers
Starting so pretty and neat
One was at the house up the road
The other was at the house down the street
One was watered daily
It was well fed
It was fully nourished
It grew proudly from it's bed
The other one was withered
It received no nourishment at all
It was scrony and weak
It was so little, the weeds were so tall
Love those flowers
The children you have born
Nourish them with knowledge and kindness
So they will bloom in this world of scorn
Nourish them with God's holy love
So they can stand their ground
So they will have a beautiful bloom
And will never wither and never fall down




I don't need my body painted
I don't need rings in my lobes
But I do need to be solid and firm
Just like God's man Job
Why would I want to pierce my tongue
Or make my face look dumb
When I can be covered by the blood of Christ
And feel the love of God, the Holy One
I don't need a video game
I don't need a tv hero at all
But I do need to be solid and firm
Just like Apostle Paul
Why would I bow to a wrestler
Or give praise to a rock and roll man
When I can bow down to Our Great God
And praise Him with my up lifted hand
I don't need the antichrist
I don't need the things of the world anymore
But I do need to be solid and firm
Just like Jesus Christ, my Lord
Why would I want to gain the world
And lose my precious soul
When I have received the promise of heaven
Just by believing and being made whole


My Father is Jehova
He is also called I Am
He is the great creator
Of life all over the land
My Father is God
He is also called Lord
He has always been
And will be forever more
My Father is almighty
He is so very grand
Nothing can out do Him
He has a mighty, mighty hand
My Father is love
He is graciously good
He loves and protects me
Just as any good father would
My Father is mercy
He is also grace
He gave me forgiveness
When I confessed my case
My Father is powerful
There's none strong as He
He has power to kill
And power to give life eternally
My Father is beautiful
He is so very kind
He wants to be your Father too
Just as He is mine


That clock ringing in my head
Oh how I know that sound
Five days a week every morning
To that ring I am bound
I get out of bed
And get myself in order
Trying to start the day smooth
So as not to step over the border
I slip on my shirt and pants
Then on with my socks and shoes
Some where through all this
I ask God to take away my blues
Then I hug and kiss my wife
And a prayer we do repeat
Then I go up to my car
Open the door and hop in the seat
I turn over the key
It starts running just fine
Then I wave to my lady
As I start down the line
I travel to the same old spot
That I go to each day
I get out of my car
And enter the building the same old way
Now there I be
At the work place again
Laboring to pay our bills
Which we know will never end
Now when that glorious morning
Saturday finally rolls around
To the same old clock ringing
On that day I am not bound
Now on Saturday morning
I can lay and I can sleep
For on that free day
I've got no schedule to keep
Now on Sunday morning
A few extra hours I can sleep
But not as late as the day before
On Sunday I have church time to keep
Then when Sunday is all over
And I'm sleeping soundly in my bed
You gotta know what comes next
That clock ringing in my head


God is the miracle maker
He can do anything
He can send thunder and lightning
He can send clouds full of rain
God can shake up the earth
He can make a mighty hot day
He can crack open the ground
He can blow everything away
God can make a happy sunny day
He can make sweet odors in the air
He can make good things happen
By sprinkling his love everywhere
God can make you feel good
When you've been feeling bad
He can make you very happy
When you're feeling so sad
God can heal a broken heart
He can heal a sin sick soul
He can make your life beautiful
When it seems so ugly and cold
God is the miracle maker
He can do anything
He is God our creator
He is God The Almighty King


It falls from the sky
So soft and pretty it is
It is cold and wet
It flys like a feather in the wind
When after it's long fall
It finally touches the ground
It could very well replenish
Or vanish and not be found
If the little flake is strong
With texture that's just right
It could build up greatly
Through the day or over night
Now some feel a love
That comes from their heart
For this little falling flake
To them it is a work of art
There's others when it comes down
They are filled with dread
Some of them speak of it
With words that shouldn't be said
Now let us think about the snow
It is so pretty and white
God made it that way
So you know it's gotta be alright
Oh what a crystal creation
Is that little snow flake
And it's just one of the beauties
That our great God, the creator, did make


Has the blood washed your soul?
Made it pure and white as snow
Has the Holy Ghost entered your heart?
From this evil world to set you apart
Have you experienced that wonderful love?
Sent from the heavenly Father above
Have you thought about your new home?
With beauty like none you've ever known
Have you wondered when will be the last day?
That upon this planet Earth you'll have to stay
Have you thought about your loved ones there?
Waiting to greet you in heaven so fair
Have you thought of these things along the way?
Have you talked of them to God when you pray?
Have you been watching the eastern sky?
Thinking about the day we fly
Yes is my answer to each and every line
And I thank God and rejoice that Jesus is mine


Sometimes I'm happy
Sometimes I'm blue
Sometimes I'm full of energy
Sometimes I don't know what to do
Sometimes I work
Sometimes I play
Sometimes I speak up
Sometimes I don't say
Sometimes I'm in country
Sometimes I'm in town
Sometimes I go both places
Sometimes I'm not found
But all times and anytime
No matter what or where I may be
I always have the Holy Spirit
To guide and to help me


Honey, yes sweet, oh so very sweet
She is so very sweet to me
She is my sweet darling wife
This woman of mine sweet as can be
I feel her true love
Absolutely all the time
No more loving could she be
This woman of mine
She is good like a mother
She's my wife and best friend
She's a wonderful part of my life
My love for her will never end
When I feel the need to talk
She's always there for me
When I must do some work
Her strong helping hand I see
For her and for her only
Do I have romantic eyes
My heart felt love for her
Comes freely in an unmeasurable size


There is a road
That many are on
They won't turn back
And this road
That they are on
Ends in pitch black
So very dark
That no one can see
An awful place
For anyone to be
Fire and heat burning flesh
Singeing souls never no rest
Now church we're still here
You know it's not too late
Work to win a lost soul
And show them heavens gate
Take it to them straight
Directly from God's word
Make sure it's clear
Make sure it's heard
Now if you are one
That is headed the wrong way
Make certain the directions are right
Then be sure not to stray
Always keep walking upright
And keep your pathway straight
And you yourself will know
You are headed for heaven's pearly gate
Get on the road to glory
Keep traveling the narrow way
This is the road you want
This is where you should stay
Get on the road of true love
The road that leads to heaven above

A mother is one
I did not know
When I was young
Away she did go
She had important dreams
That were first in her sight
These dreams was her life
Every day and every single night
I would have liked to knew
What a mother's love would be
But for some unknown reason
It just wasn't meant for me
Those who knew their mother
Seem to be very attached
A loving mother and child
Seem to be perfectly matched
Mothers stay with your children
Love them until it's through
Children always show your mothers
Love that is plentiful, everlasting and true


I want to be like Jesus
But Jesus was God in the flesh
Is it possible for one as me
To be like Jesus which was God in the flesh
I want to be like Jesus
But Jesus performed with Godly power
Is it possible for one as me
To perform like Jesus with Godly power
I want to be like Jesus
But Jesus helped people and made them well
Is it possible for one as me
To be like Jesus and make people well
I want to be like Jesus
But Jesus died and lives again
Is it possible for one as me
To die like Jesus and live again
I want to be like Jesus
I'm being made and molded now
To make it possible for one as me
To be like Jesus right now
I want to be like Jesus
To walk like him day by day
To make it possible for one as me
To be just like Jesus all the way


Oh how beautiful they are
They make such a sweet sound
Bring smiles from everyone
And good deeds from all around
For an old lady they make it easy
For an old man it helps him smile again
For those who are total strangers
It says to them, you are my friend
It keeps the cars moving smoothly
No jesters or hard words are used
All travelers join in unity
So that no one gets abused
Mr. policeman has a good shift
When everyone is so nice
He may stop and think to himself
They're as sweet as sugar and spice
Someone is always in a hurry
And then someone is not
The slower lets the quicker go
This way no collars get hot
Everything is going wrong
The clerk is having a hard time
Then someone says a kind word
It's ok my friend everything will be fine
Always be nice and kind
Continually help each other
Use good manners and be polite
Treating all like a sister or brother


The instructions they've changed
The route has been detoured somewhat
A pretty front they do put on
But God knows what they've really got
They give a back pat and arm around your shoulder
And speak sweet words to your ear
If you really knew what be in their heart
It would bring on an awesome fear
They talk about love and helping those in need
What all should be done for them
When the test comes to show love for Jesus Christ
They run and hide and do deny Him
They say never fail to go to church
And tell you it is time well spent
Then when the day of worship comes
They've taken off to some famous worldy event
They carry a bible when they may be seen
Unless it's at those famous worldy events
Then many times it's left on a table or shelf
Where it's cover gathers dust and lint
Why do they keep loving the things of the world
And professing to love Jesus Christ the Lord
Who do they think that they are fooling
Those in Christ can see these are not in one accord
It is a pain and terrible shame
Seeing those that love to put on the show
Claiming to know the word of God
Claiming that heaven is where they'll go
Now when one is a fake
Just acting and putting on the show
Heaven will not be their destination
For into the lake of fire they will go


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