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Well met, traveler... (How's that for a corny greeting?) Welcome to the page for All Things Annalisa. Well, not really--it's more like All Things Annalisa's Characters. That's right, this is yet another page for some poor fool's characters on various MOOs, MUSHes, and other addictive online games. If you have the suddden urge to run away screaming, "No, no, please, I don't want to hear about your personae, you schizophrenic maniac!" then this is probably a good time to hit the back button on your browser. ;-)

If you're still reading, I guess that's a good indication that you actually want to learn more about my various alter egos. (Someone actually cares? *sniffle* This is the happiest day of my life...) Ahem... anyway, follow the links to get to my character pages. Enjoy!

Harper's Tale MOO

Nali, Firestorm Wingrider at Ista Weyr
Telvre, Harper Apprentice at Ista's Harper Hall
Elyntari, Minecraft Apprentice

Star Stones MOO

Surina, Igen Weyrbrat

VirtuaPern MOO

Siveke, Weaver Probationary Apprentice
Tembaro, Fort Hold Messenger

Dragon's Dusk

Nonahmey, Harper Apprentice

P.S. If you want to see a page about the RL Annalisa, go to Lonwyth's Little Lair (I apologize for the alliteration).

Dreamcatcher Graphics