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Show Review in May Issue of Skratch Magazine


Despite the fact that it was a Wednesday night, the parking lots of the Palace were rather packed and so it was plain to see that the joint was going to be anything but empty! After shelling out the exuberant parking lot ream, to call it anything else but a ream would be kind, at a whopping twelve dollars! For that price one could have bought three overpriced beers or perhaps a T-shirt from those MTV darlings, Good Charlotte, on second thought , maybe that money was better spent on the parking lot fee.

Arriving fashionably late, it had seemed that the two opening bands had already performed as the doors had opened much earlier than anticipated. So unfortunately, Slick Shoes and Good Charlotte had already performed and for some reason Slick Shoes played first. I guess getting MTV airplay garnered the boy band of pop punk top billing over the Shoes, what a shame! After surveying the crowd, the general consensus was Slick Shoes 1, Good Charlotte -1...tough room.

Not since last year’s Warped Tour had I had a chance to catch MxPx live so I was curious to see what time had done for the threesome from Bremerton, Washington and it seems that time has been nothing but good! As the stage went pitch black, the cheers and screams from the sold out crowd billowed and hung in the air, like a thick layer of cigar smoke on poker night. The ever so familiar warbling notes of The Who’s "Teenage Wasteland" began to flow through the speakers as the crowd’s cries grew more powerful. In the darkness the silhouettes of the band could be made out as the lights came up and the crowd exploded almost as loudly as MxPx powering into their first number. Mike Herrera came bounding out as the lights flared up and flooded the stage, with bass in hand and backed up by his right hand axe man, Tom Wisniewski, and drummer Yuri Ruley brought up the rear with his explosive charged shots of precision percussion.

Firing into a heated rendition of "My Life Story", Herrera prowled the stage like a giant cat, occasionally bounding into the air alongside Wisniewski. All that could be seen of Ruley was a mass flutter of arms and sticks pounding away on the quaking drum kit. The fearsome threesome fired through a flurry of cuts off of THE EVER PASSING MOMENT, SLOWLY GOING THE WAY OF THE BUFFALO, and a volume of material from older albums, sending the packed house into a mass of swirling pits, floating bodies, and a melee of flying objects. All the while, these primal tribes were surrounded by a sardine packed audience pumping up and down in unison like a giant piston. As the band flew into a blistering version of "Doin’ Time", it became even more apparent that these three were not messing around as they rocked the crowd as hard as they possibly could! I have never seen MxPx perform as tight as this night! Gaining more and more momentum, they drove the crowd to the brink and back as they powered through song after song including "The Next Big Thing", "I’m OK, You’re OK", and their cover of Bryan Adams’ "Summer of ‘69". As the band broke into "Move to Bremerton", Herrera urged the crowd to a boiling point, the band finished off the crowd by closing with the ever-popular cut, "Chick Magnet".

The crowd began to roar as they left the stage and soon the roar grew into chants of "Punk Rawk Show". Shortly after, the band took the stage once again to the deafening thunder of the crowd. The band then flew into an amazing cover of The Clash classic "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" with Wisniewski on lead vocals and Herrera taking up the rear. Wisniewski’s vocal styling was quite impressive and only helped magnify the crowd’s frenzied reaction! Jumping from an impressive cover and into "Responsibility", the threesome brought down the house by closing with the traditional "Punk Rawk Show". All in all, an amazing show proving that MxPx is slowly growing not only tighter musically and lyrically, but growing without losing their appeal, their buoyant sound and light yet powerful energy, which powers the core of MxPx’s sound.

Another CD

MxPx will be working in studio for most of the summer. Mike, Tom and Yuri will be recording the next full length record through out the summer. The first process will be working up and demoing some 40 songs that Mike has written in the last year. The demo sessions will be taking place at the band's "Club House Studio" where the Renaissance EP was recorded. Fan Club members will be able to listen to some of these demos and watch video shot during the recording process. More to come soon. There will be limited tour dates through out the summer including dates in San Diego, Illinois and Japan.

MxPx's New EP The band began working on their EP, titled "The Renaissance EP" and will have 8 new songs. We will be setting up a reservation system that will let fans to reserve a copy and receive it a week before it Gets into stores. The EP will be released on their own "Rock City Recording Co" label. New Tour Dates MxPx will be touring across the US and will start in California late February and will end with a dates all across Canada in May. Tour dates will be posted here as soon as they are available.

Mike Herrera hospitalized in Washington DC.

Mike Herrera of MxPx was taken upon arrival from London directly to the Inova Fair Oaks Hospital outside Washington DC on Thursday. Suffering from Fever, Sore Throat, Exhaustion and general "Flu like" symptoms, it was determined by Physicians at the hospital that Mike has Strep Throat and has been ordered by doctors to not speak for the next four days. To avoid risking further damage to Mike's Voice, MxPx is canceling the tour dates from 11/03 - 11/07 in Florida and Virginia. Tickets purchased for these dats should be returned to their original point of purchase for a full refund. MxPx resumes touring on November 17th in Los Angeles as part of the Offspring, Cyprus Hill Fall Package. New Photos from WFNX show

There was a free show where 10,000 people came and MxPx rocked the house! The pictures are at the WFNX page - you should see the MxPx logo once you get to the page.

Internet Broadcast

If you missed MxPx on this year's Warped Tour 2000, you can catch a broadcast special on August 8th. Follow the link provided below and enjoy the boys from bremerton in this 1/2 hour special Internet broadcast taped on July 28th at Molson Park in Barrie, Toronto.

7-24-00 120 Minutes

For those of you who stayed up late to watch 120 minutes, sorry they weren't on. I guess somewhere along the lines there was a mistake - Hopefully the farmclub appearance today will be correct!

Yahoo Interviews Tom

To read an interview with Tom at this adress

Farmclub Performance Has been postponed!

MxPx's FarmClub appearance has been moved again. This time, we are not sure when it will air. Please check back here for details.

Warped Tour at the Gorge

Luckily, I had a chance to go to the warped tour at the Gorge in Washington state. MxPx put on a great show, while playing for a familiar audience in their home state. The sets are only about a half and hour long, but nevertheless it's definitely enough time for mxpx to peel the paint off the walls with a rocking performance!


Hey! The video for "Responsibility" just premiered on Yahoo! (it's sooo awsome!!) today at 1pm (PT). Check it out here: Yahoo! Premiere. Look for the chance to win free Warped Tour tickets and a complete catalog of MxPx albums!
