ELB Web Design Updates

  =New page Added   =Page Updated
Date Changes Made Date Changes Made
3 May 2003 -Began Re-designing of ELB Web
Design homepage.
  7 May 2003 -Created Update Page  
8 May 2003 -Re-formated Haiku page.
-Re-formated Moes Reunion page.
-Added to the credits page.
    11 May 2003 -Started Re-formating cruise picture page.
It will become multiple pages to decrease
loading time.
12 May 2003 -Finished Re-formatting Cruise '03 pages
-Added to and rearranged the credit page.
-Made slight color changes to appearance
of the update page.
    13 May 2003 -Added links for xmas '02 and chain pics.
-Began Re-formating pages. (Xmas/Chain)
-Added color bar to update page.
14 May 2003 -Lengthened the image on the left side.
-Added under cruise '03
    15 May 2003 -Broke Suez Canal pics into two pages and
added pictures to it.
-Added page for Rota pictures.
16 May 2003 -Added page of chain mail pictures.
-Added page for Cruise 2000 Pictures.
  17 May 2003 -Added Christmas 2002 Pictures.(2 pages)
-Made udpate page 2 columbs.
18 May 2003 -Added pictures to Cruise 2000 page.   19 May 2003 -Added and Reformatted CD list page.
-Added page for mini disc trading info.
20 May 2003 -Added mini disc list page.
  21 May 2003 -Made links inside of page update information.
22/23 May 2003 -Added pictures to the chainmail page.   24 May 2003 -Added another page of assorted links  
25 May 2003 -Added new picture of 6 ships to Cruise '03
-Added page with future Barbie dolls.
    26 May 2003 -Added email link on main page
-Added Pictures from Beer Day 3
28 May 2003 -Added Time's pit stop page.   1 June 2003 -Added favorite bands page
-Added "return to top" link on CD lsit
21 June 2003 -Added to the Links Page
-Changed some colors on the main page.
-Setup up pages for Rota, Spain pictures.
  24 June 2003 -Added my naval history and views of OIF here.
-Added information about ships deployed OIF.