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Last Updated: March 23, 2001

Coming soon: Pictures of the Doerre New Orleans Trip

The Virginia McElduffs
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March in Winchester

A day in Benjamin's life:

First, I snuggle a little with Jack the Cat (1.5 years old)

Casey2 (now 1 year old) is also a good playmate.

Mama D. tried to steal kisses from us when she and Papa D. visited us in February.

I was so proud of my new library card that I had to sleep with it. You have to be five years old in order to get your own.

I also got a new bed in my new room! Pictures are on their way.

We celebrated Presidents' Day in school and made these George Washington tricorner hats. So, I put it on and told my Mom: "I am George W. Bush". Mom thought I meant George Washington but I insisted on being George W. Does that make me a Republican?

Justin got his own room as well with white walls and blue trim. Here he is on his first night in his room.

You must be wondering why Kelly and Benjamin (and Justin - not shown) colored cotton balls red, taped them to their foreheads, and pretended to be injured. Their mother is wondering as well! WHO taught them this?

Casey2 has gotten quite tall, right Kelly Marie?

Kelly did an oral and written report on Harriet Tubman and all of us gained respect for this great and brave woman. Here is Kelly holding her poster.

Another artwork by Kelly: one day Kelly decided to spell out all of our names.

This page is for Nan with photos from January 2001.

Want to see our Vacation Pictures? Click here.
Can you guess where we were?

Some old pictures from 2000. Click here.
Well, that's it for now. Come back soon and please note, we have a new Pet Page (see below). This page is yet to be fully outfitted with pet photos.

Want to see some of our pets? Click here.

Check out the McElduff 2000 Reunion Webpage.

Click here for a little tour of where we live (English).
Be patient with the downloading. The photos take a while.
(Bald gibt es die deutsche Version. Geduld!)

Click here to visit Oliver Geoffrey's website.

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