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Madge B. Van Ness
Self Employed

Madge's Magical Menage Management

*Madge's Magical Menage Management *

"Magic comes from planning and hard work."

Welcome to this collection of various musings on home management. They are the result of my continuing years of struggle with home vs family, plus reading of some of the best home organization references and and the sharing on the Sidetracked Home Executives bulletin board.

I have a bias toward the Sidetracked Sisters 3x5 card system; others like the computerized lists that are currently available; some like the Messies "flipper" system. Whatever works for you to keep track of the little day to day things to do or the monthly, seasonal or yearly bigger things to do is fine. I think organizers are great for keeping track of appointments, meetings, and information about the people and things in your life. 3-ring binders are probably the answer for big projects and recurring events like Christmas, where the process is similar year after year & the menus are prone not to change.

Note the motto under the title. You can work very hard, but if you don't plan, you will still find your life and home out of control. You can plan all you want, but if you aren't willing to work, things will never come together. And planning doesn't stop when the tools come out. Pay attention to what might be the more efficient technique or vacuuming path. Look for new tools in the grocery store. Read the efficiency and household organization books.

A magician's job is to make tricks look effortless, so we aren't allowed to see the hard work and planning that goes into them. Unfortunately, families don't appreciate everything that goes into running a home smoothly until they try it for themselves. Nor did we, until we became the family manager. So here are some of the tricks of the trade, the legerdemain of housekeeping. Plus, a guide to putting together your own Christmas planning notebook to give you the time, money & energy to do the service and participate in the activities that can make Christmas special and memorable.

Crisis Cleaning, or What to do when your mother-in-law the immaculate housekeeper lets you know she's coming for a visit (or in my case, Father in law) real soon.

Magical Techniques Techniques & tools to make cleaning easier.

Organizing Christ into Christmas: Planning ahead to find time for service, worship & family at Christmas time, plus both new & old ideas to make Christmas more meaningful.

Learning Lent Some thoughts and meditations on how to make Lent a richer experience. Both personal and family activities are included.

Wardrobe Wizardry Thinking about your wardrobe: ways to make it work wisely.

Uncannily Simple Unpacking :How to handle 997 miscellaneous moving boxes.

Upcoming attractions: soon, soon, a look at some popular general organizational and motivational books from the homemaker's point of view.