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All your favorite matches from all of ICW history, now in one place.

Welcome to ICW History! This page will be updated shortly after every event in ICW! Currently, only FNR, TNEF, and PPV's fall into that category, but why stop there! I also included previous cards from all other endevours, including two Monday Night shows, another Tuesday Night, and even Wednesday Night Shows! Keep coming back, as this place is updated around twice a week, and new stuff is added all the time!

The next thing from President of ICW.
Last Updated: 4*30*02

Sunday Night Carnage
(February 6th, 2000 - February 25th, 2001)

Monday Night Carnage
(June 28th - August 16th, 1999)

Monday Night Outbreak
(October 11th - November 15th, 1999)

Tuesday Night Chaos
(August 31st - October 5th, 1999)

Tuesday Night En Feugo
(November 23rd, 1999 - April 23rd, 2002)

Wednesday Night Rampage
(July 7th - August 4th, 1999)

Friday Night Riot
(June 25th, 1999 - April 19th, 2002)

Pay-Per Views

Pay-Per View Summaries

Special Matches