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Greene Future
"To promote a sense of community and create a forum for open communication and exchange of ideas for all Greene County, Virginia citizens."

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Who are we?

Greene Future is a non-profit, non-partisan, 501c(3) tax exempt organization of local citizens of Greene County.


The mission of Greene Future is to promote a sense of community
and create a forum for open communication and exchange of ideas
for all Greene County citizens.


The principal activities of Greene Future are the presentation of a web
site to give citizens internet access to information about Greene County,
its government and other activities, and sponsoring forums that provide
debate or presentation about topics of current interest to the citizenship.

Who can be a member?

Any citizen of Greene County.
If you are interested in being a part of Greene Future you can contact
any of our current officers:


Greene Future Steering Committee
(Area code 434)

Calvin Biesecker 985-9904 Georgianna McCabe 985-6383
Kim Powell 985-4775 Jim Rhoads, Pres. 990-1999
Rob Gardner,  Treas. 985-6757 Carl Schmitt 985-9815
Bill Hemenway, Sec. 990-1047 Mark Simpson, V-Pres 985-7401
Darcy Higgins 985-8566 Ron Williams 985-8048
Ed Lumadue 985-3226


Main Page Greene Future Steering Committee webmaster