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P. O. Box 15277
Panama City, FL 32406
Ph: (850) 784-4851

Grace institute was the dream of several people three years ago. On May 21, 1998 this dream became a reality. A school open to all Christians,including gays and lesbians.

Grace Institute is a conservative, evangelical and fundamentalist school in its theology. This is an open door to those of us who come out of fundamentalist churches. We are associated with the Alliance of Christian Churches, which is growing rapidly across the country. Our school seeks to train people in some type of ministry. Hopefully, our school will let gay and lesbian Christians know there is a place for them. In the same way, we hope it helps many gays and lesbians to come out of the closet. No doubt our school is giving many closeted gays and lesbians still in a fundamentalist church the courage to be who God made them to be.

Grace Institute is the first school of this kind to be conservative, evangelical, and fundamental in its theology to open the doors for gays and lesbians to seek a Biblical education.

We are now in our third year. This fall at our National Conference here in Panama City, Florida, we held our first graduation. This is exciting and will let people know we are well on our way. We now currently have our 501(3)C and have secured a bigger building for the school.

Become Partners with Grace Institute: We continue to look for endowments both small and large to help Grace Institute become all it can. Things we need endowments for: l. Our new building 2. Our library 3. Accreditation 4. Faculty and Staff 5. Residental Drug/Alcohol Program 6. Florida Certified Addictions Professional Certification Program 7. Our John 3:16 Book Store (Open to the Public) 8. Community Center As you can see we have set some high challenages for the year 2000 and beyond. We are a non-profit organization and your money will go for a good cause and furtherence of the Gospel. We are Tax-exempt and hold our 501(3)(c).

Again, we are making history! A school that will train people for ministry on any level. Most of all, gays and lesbians seeking to become ministers can now obtain an education at an affordable price and yet gain the highest quality education. Please keep us in your prayers.

Dr. Jerry Stephenson, TH.D., Ph.D. President, Grace Institute

If you have any questions regarding Grace Institute or would like to leave us a comment, please sign our guestbook. We'd love to hear from you!

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Since 07/01/99, there have been
