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Fluffy Stuff

More Stuff On My Site

Just incase you wanna know some stuff about me
Wanna See My Brain?
Some Pics of My Baby
Some perverted individuals created these.
Some really cool pics of bands, tv shows, and stuff.
My True Identity
South Park Pics
I'm a big kid... so what.
Music Makes the World Go 'Round
Ani Defranco
Tori Amos
My Online Daily Journal
Country Bunny Bath & Body.... Be sure to put in Representative # 4499
This Kittie Needs a Home

Just a note, Most of the stuff on this site is over 2 years old as of 9-2-02. I'll try to do better at keeping it updated.
Take my Quiz on!
I'm an Independent Representative for Country Bunny Bath and Body. Click the banner to go to my Webstore!