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For the most part, the Special Theory was correct. In 1971, an atomic clock that flew on a jet was compared to one on earth. At the end of the experiment, the one on the jet was slightly behind. This verifies the fact that time does slow down when things speed up.

Studies on small paritcles called muons also verifies time dilation. When muons are accelerated close to the speed of light, they have a much longer lifetime than at rest.

Einstein's equation E=mc2 is proven to be exactly correct. The energy produced in nuclear power plants is a result of the loss in mass of the uranium fuel as it undergoes the process called fission.

However, the special theory does contain faults that even Einstein knew of. Today, the most controversial discussion is about breaking speed of light. I was recently shown, that light can be accelerated faster than the speed in empty space. However, this hasn't been done to objects with mass.


A few years after Einstein had published his special theory of relativity, the world finaly understood his smartness. During that time, Einstin had already begun to work on more theories.

In 1907, Einstein suddenly had a question:. How would you get Newton's gravitation to fit in with special relativity. And then came what is known as general relativity. Einstein described it as "the happiest thought of my life."

General and Special relativity differ in one root way. Special relatiity is about things moving at a constant rate, while general relativity is about things moving faster and faster. We won't really discuss any of this in depth but I'll tell you brieftly what it's about.

1. An upwards acceleration is the same as a downward gravitational pull. That is when the elevator goes up, you feel that you are pull downwards.

2. Gravity bends light. When light passes through a gravitational field, it bends.

3. Space curvatures. Gravity bends the space around it. This is why light bends when it goes into gravity, because the space itself is bent.

4. The stronger the gravity on an object, the slower time will run for that object.

That will be the farthest I'll go on general relativity. The reason is that it is gets too complex, and I think you understand it better when you get into higher grades.

Einstein's general theory of relativity was a major contribution to astrophysics. Because of it we now have the term "black hole." Because of it we now know that the universe is expanding.

During his final years, Einstein aimed to put gravitation and magnitism in one big picture. But he wasn't able to figure it out, as nobody has so far. However, Einstein's two theories has certainly made him the greatest physicist of all time.


Those who have interest in relativity should persue a career of some sort of physics-related jobs, especially those dealing with space. Since special relativity is generally complete,

While the special theory is already formulated, general relativity is still expanding. Today, there are many topics of general relativity to explore, like black holes.

Well, that's it, I hope you'll find physics to be intersting. Bye.


The person of the century, Time magazine

One of the most well-known pictures of Einstein

Einstein in his late years

Max Planck, a quatum physicist, was one of the firsts to realize Einstin's greatness.


Einstein Links

Albert Einstein Online Extensive links page.

Einstein's Legacy A summary Guide to Relativity

The Light Cone Site explaining relativity.

Relativity and FTL Travel Faster than Light discussions

Spacetime 101 Site about spacetime

Dave's Relativity Page Relativity page - Relativity