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Welcome. This is the page filled with all of the cyber pet adoption available through Vaprrenon Potter.


A Digger is a creature from the wonders of the pensil.
They were created by a boy named Jason who drew the
first digger on a papper with a magical pensil. To
his amazment, it came to life...
Not Yet Up, Sorry


DragonLon (singualr form is DragonLing) are a strange
breed in which they are not totally dragon. Their
genetics are only half dragon. The other half can be
any creature on or off the planet. You get
to choose. No two are the same...


Yes, Digidestined. You've probably seen so many "Adopt
a Digimon" pages that're you're blue in the face! Not
here! You adopt their buddies!


Travel to The Goolovan Forest where you can adopt a
Goolova, a creature not from this Earth. A mixture
of a wolf, bat, horse, and mystery. They await
your arrival.
Almost Done


Night Valley. Mystery. Adopt a Grynon. Grynons are a
very rare type of girffin. Instead of half lion, they
are half tiger. Being very rare, you should adopt
one straight away.
A Big Thanks to Syriiu for this adoption


Foxrets. A rare breed of fox only found in the blazing
hot desert of The Sun Sands. Foxrets come in all
colors, from red and blue to black and white.
Adopt your foxret today!
A Big Thanks to Miracle for this adoption


Adopt a Zyrack. A Zyrack is a dragon-like creature
that bears hair and has a whale tail. Males are
much more rare than females.
A Big Thanks to Miracle for this adoption

Please Vote for Me!

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I have gotten Miracle's permission to use her cyber pet menu layout.