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Memories Tom Palmer & Others
Anna Palmer Jefferson Family
Life in Shipman Va.
Carl Palmer Jr. Stories/Poems
Cookout at Ann's
Trip w/ Linda Palmer Sulicz
Jason & Amy Palmer's Wedding
Helen Palmer
Flanagan Reunion 2002
Flanagan Reunion 2003
Flanagan Reunion 2004
Palmer Reunion 2002
Palmer's Pit Cooked Bar-B-Q
Ann's Trip To Washington

Anna Palmer Jefferson Family Photos

The Palmer Children Memories



From the Children of Carl and Helen Palmer


Carl Jr. one liners memories......

The Palmers had a new baby every Christmas......

"I've gotta go to the bathroom, so save my place" (usually by the heater in front of the TV)

"If yous don't be quiet now, Im gonna come up there" and, of course we'd keep it up and then we'd hear the foot come outta the bed and stomp a couple of times, like he was coming up.

The bucket for car sick rides when we went to see grandma or any place....
Running around in a circle with Mommy holding one arm and swatting with her free hand
Crying while, who's washing, who's drying and who's putting up
The pile of socks on the couch
"Ann, Judy, Kay, Larry, Matt and Carlie. Time to get up."
The hot nights upstairs in our slanted ceiling bedrooms

The Palmer Children

Memories cont...
PINK Calamine Lotion
Cookie(bus driver) stuttering to ask Carl to close the windows on the bus.
Kick ball in the front yard.
Moo cows in the chimney
The hay trailer that I almost burnt down.
Selling hot dogs at the fights in the barn.
All of us running out on the porch when lights came down our driveway.
Running up to catch the bus while it turned around.
Figuring out how to get the lunch money to each other when Mommy only had dollar bills.
the jukebox that Mr Gardner gave us that Christmas.

Daddy squeezing our arm when we didn't pay attention in church,we all packed in the car going to church, 4 in the front 4 in the back.

Have you ever seen Daddy pick up a pencil or crayon and not draw the
Palmer Rabbit?

Mommy had sent our two preschool brothers upstairs to get ready for bed after giving them a lesson on proper english grammar. Upon hearing them talking, she was halfway up the stairs and heard, as they were taking off their socks... "Larry, you've got dirty puts"..."Dem's not puts, dem's peets!"

At church we took up the whole pew. Daddy at one end, Mommy on the other and the three boys and three girls in the middle. During the sniffle season Daddy would pass his handkerchief, each kid using a dry area, until it made to Mommy. She would put it in her purse beside the smelling salts, which were also church essentials...but usually in the summer. The electricity going out
The telephone party line, ours was 3 long rings...and listening in on other's conversations (what was our old number?)
tying the lunch money in a corner of a handkerchief
Asking for the can.. when Daddy was through with his beer, he would leave a swallow
"I want the bowl" lick out Mommy's frosting
The peanut tree
Batting rocks
The PawPaw tree, and Daddy saying that they could be eaten and they could but we would not.

The First Grandchild(Kathy)

Memories cont... Turning our mouth inside out eating persimmons
Swimming in the river way down that dirt road (washboard avenue)
Dipping water into the barrel on the back of the truck to carry back to the house for the chickens
The peppermint by the well
Getting the honey out of the honeysuckle
Shaking jars to make butter
green stamp books and Funk&Wagnails Encyclopedias
"I'm sitting in the way-back" in our old 1959 red and white 9 passenger station wagon

Always having to look into the sun to get our picture taken

Scratches and stained fingers (and mouths) from picking blackberries
Greens....turnip greens, collard greens, scalloped turnips, fried squash in eggs, corn sliced from the cob, evaporated milk and cold pancakes for supper
And from the chicken...Mommy's favorite was the hearts and wing, we all loved her batter and I really miss the way she fixed those gizzards
And after supper, Daddy'd get all the leftovers together for the chickens and Fluffy....nothing went to waste(anyone have a photo of Fluffy?)

We always had a dog for a pet and sometimes a goat, a pig, and cats

Memories from Ann

I(Ann)was making fudge the other day for the kids at church and telling them about how my daddy showed me how when I was a little girl. I used to make it for the kids in my neighborhood on snow days. One family used to come walking down the road with a bag of sugar and cocoa under their arm so I could make them fudge to take home. Now both of those kids teach school now and tell the story to their class on what they did on snow days as kids. It is so nice to have stories to pass down to our children and grandchildren.

Little Southern Girls
Mommy would make taffy and we would pull it and color it .I remember when the power would go off and we would have a singing contest, and getting on the roof of the house and sliding down and jumping to the ground.I would ask Daddy to buy his Chicken feed in the same kind of sacks so I could make one of us girls a new dress.I remember when Mommy let me buy my first new cloth at Roses Store.

New dresses not of feed sack....
We would jump rope until there wouldn't be grass in that spot and then move to another. We would line up saw horses and run and jump over them. (ouch)

The 60's- bell bottoms,long hair, and polyester

Playing in the snow all day and not getting cold.....The snow was so deep when we grew up....

Palmers send Ann your memories.I want to thanks Carl Palmer Jr.,and Tom Palmer for sending me their memories.Thank you to Moms brothers and sisters for their momeries.
Helen(Helen's Web Page)

This page is to show the Love of a "FAMILY" that was not always perfect... but always a "FAMILY"

In Memory of our Daddy and Mommy
Carl w. Palmer
(died at the age of 85 Nov.4th-2000)&
Helen F. Palmer
(died at thr age of 72 Nov 19th-2000)
From Ann, Judy, Kay, Larry Matt, And CARLIE-E-E(CarlJr.)

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