serena * wei~ enough copying from my site yet?? :P HO FAN AR~!!! HANDS 'OFF'~ well anywayz, ur cousins must be here now. bet u r having so much fun la! im sick today...missed a day of summer school..... talk to u soon! :)

elika * yoyo! how's it goin'?...ur summer. when were u going to alaska again? lol, i 4got...hehe! hope u'll have lots of fun there!! im gonna be waiting foh u to tell me lots about ur trip....ha! yea....enjoy!

vicki & tanya * HI! u n' tanya r in taiwan.....leaving me behind... so lonely...... hAhAhA! lolol!! j/k! geezah~ so many ppl going to hk & taiwan this summer! sheesh... actually, it's just like any other summer holidays... oh well.. hmmm..... when r u two coming bak?

sally & justa * so ur back from pender harbour! wow, sounds like u had a lot of fun there.....!! i heard maddy say that u can constantly get mosquito bites there... yeeks! :S

jamie * omG i haven't spoke to u all summer!!!!..well...half..of it anywayz...wut have u been doing lately??

stella * HAHA! u'll never believe this... im in grade 9 piano now!! after yesterday!!! july 18.. hey talk to u some time la okay?? :) call me or something!! i get bored u kno!

rache & kat * heY! saw ur sites..... looking preety good :)!.. but ur nevah gonna see mine soo.... ur probably not even gonna be reading dis... MUAHAHAHA!!! :D

maddy * hmm...~......  ... ............. I DUNNO WUT TO SAY!!! ....soo... did u have fun at pender harbour???! wait...  think i asked u that already....` enjoy the rest of ur summer!

louise & doobie * heyy... u two having fun....? enjoying july?...o btw.... doobie... i still haven't returned ur calvin hobbes back... when school starts i'll hand it over to louise to give it to u..... u weren't here on the last day...! LOL~ haha, i'll talk to u later! o btw, i hope u n' tanya will enjoy it at croften! u better come back and visit...... ur abandoning louise!!! ;)

katie * came back from europe eh?.... and then u got sick... oh dear, im not very much different from u.. get well soon~ gotta enjoy the rest of ur summah^^!

jos * hey... how're ya doin'?.....u've changed quite a bit.. getting all ready foh high school...ttyl~

esther * i can't believe ur going to u-hill... hope u'll have a good time there^^

jen * yo... i really dunno wut to say... ur probably nevah gonna read dis...but gonna give u a lil shout anywayz... :)


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