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Feature Characters

The Tramp

He was once the king of the streets.He is known as 'the master' by the street dogs,and dad to Scamp,Annette,Colette,and Danielle.He moved in with the Darling's after falling in love with Lady.He believes that dicipline is needed,by still has that fun-loving,carefree side to him.He cares for his children and his lady very much,and only wants the best for them.


The cocker spaniel with a sweet dispostion, but firm values,she is one of the select few that could change Tramp's ways.She is the proud mother of Scamp,Annette,Colette,and Danielle.She is very kind and caring.She is devoted to her children's happiness.


The son of Tramp and Lady,he just wants to be wild and free.He calls himself a 'wild dog' even though he breifly lived in the streets.His daring ambition,and carefree attitude gives Scamp the same image as Tramp,only smaller.He learns that a life with love,is better than any life on the street.


This street-wise,softhearted,junkyard dog has it all.Beauty,spunk,courage,and a king heart.She has been kicked out of five different homes,due to little reasons.("Someone would take me in,and just when I'd start to think,wow this is my family!They'd move,or have a new baby,or have an allergy.Same old story,I'm out on the street.")She falls in love with Scamp,and finally ends up with the Darling's.


The leader of the junkyard dogs.He is in love with himeself.He considers Tramp as a traitor,though when it comes to the facts,his jealousy is what gets him.He is a backstabber to Scamp,since he's Tramp's son,and his motto is "Every dog for himself."


Smooth talking,and flirtatious.She tells Lady all about the true side of Tramp.She is a wise streetdog,with a good voice.

Annette,Colette,& Danielle(

These well-behaved pups have each their own personallity.Colette,the pink collared,is always promping herself,Annette,the blue collared,thinks she knows everything,and Danielle,the lightblue collared,is a little..well,slow.Although they hate to admit it,they really do care for their brother,Scamp. (Thanks to Dalmatallica for the image!)

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