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The Honorable James S. Gilmore III
Governor of Virginia
Office of the Governor
State Capitol, 3rd Floor
Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Governor Gilmore:

Your commitment to helping Northern Virginia solve its transportation woes is appreciated. However, a comprehensive regional solution, which addresses the issues of growth, development, and changing commuter patterns is what Northern Virginia needs, not a stop-gap measure which provides a few more miles of highway lanes. Before you proceed with your plan to widen I-66, I ask that you work with local community organizations, such as the Arlington Coalition for Sensible Transportation, to find a long term, workable solution to the transportation crisis.

I-66 is an amazing bit of engineering. It was through the Coleman Decision that this Multi-modal Transportation Corridor and the most innovative highway in the USA was built in Northern Virginia. Virginia should continue to pioneer innovative use of rights-of-way to provide transportation solutions to commuters and residents, alike. Before scarce taxpayer dollars are spent on widening I-66, I ask that you consider the following facts:

Before scarce taxpayer funds are expended on widening I-66, the Governor's office and VDOT must work with the communities to find a comprehensive, regional solution to the traffic woes of Northern Virginia. To do anything less is to shortchange the future.

Very truly yours,