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The Day the Earth Stood Still

Everyone who entered the 101st precinct knew what they would hear. Strenlich hollering and shouting damnations because once again, the notorious Peter Caine was late. It was the same routine every day. Many officers wondered why the Chief didn't do them a favor and push Det.Caine's arrival time ahead 30 minutes. Then his late arrival would actually be on time and the rest of the precinct would get a break from the constant wrath of the Chief. But today was different. There was no hollering or damnations. Peter Caine, five minutes early, was dutifully seated at his desk working on his paperwork.
The calm didn't last. Did anyone really expect that it would.
"Caine, Powell, Kincaid, head over to the docks on pier 33. We've got some activity. The uniforms think its your missing Tong member what's left of him rather. Put a lid on this thing before all of Chinatown becomes a warzone."
Immeditaly, they grabbed their jackets and umbrellas. All three detectives were up and out the door in record time.

As they pulled up to the pier, a large crowd was already gathering despite the miserable drizzle. "Clear these people out of here!" Jody demanded angrily.
The uniforms shot her dirty looks as they began shooing people away. T.J. was interviewing the fisherman who had found the body while Peter talked to the coroner.
"Is it Tommy Wang?" Peter asked.
For once, Nicki didn't beat around the bush with all his rambling small talk that drove the girls away. He was trying to become a "babe magnet" and forced himself to practice his new technique of normalacy.
"No." he answered simply.
Peer and Jody both stared at him.
"NO?" Peter echoed dumbly.
"What do you mean no?" Jody asked. "If it's not Tommy then who is it and where did he come from?"
"More importantly," Peter whispered gravely. "where's Tommy?" The rain began to pour.

Word always spread quickly and soon Chinatown was buzzing with the news of the mysterious body that was not Tommy Wang. Rumors and inuendo were creeping there way in and out of every nook and cranny.
"This is bad. This is very bad." Capt. Simms was saying as Kermit Griffin strode into her office, gummy bears in hand. He extended the bag to Capt.Simms who took a handful and popped them like they were aspirin. Kermit grinned.
"What's up?" he asked.
"Tommy Wang is missing and no one knows where he is. His clan is saying that the other one killed him while the other clan denies all involvement or knowledge. Chinatown is making up their own opinion and drawing the battle lines."
"Was the body identified?"
Capt. Simms nodded. "Some poor soul who decided to take a swim on the wrong day. Got caught in the undertoe and disappeared a couple of months ago. Totally irrelevant and illtimed." She shook her head.
Peter Caine burst in the door. For once, Capt. Simms didn't reprimand his rude behavior but merely gazed at him waiting for his reason for the intrusion.
"Captain, You'll need to hear this."
The three of them entered the bullpen and gathered around the televison set. The volume had been turned up and the entire precinct was listening. Jimmy Tu the current Tong leader was standing in front of a podium lined with microphones. An umbrella was held over his head by a huge hulking figure.
"I called this press meeting in hopes of stopping something before it starts. Tommy Wang is not missing nor is he deceased. My errant nephew has left to visit a sick relative in China. Others members of my family saught to take advantage of his quiet leaving to start a war and exact revenge for transgressions made against them in the past. I, however, will not tolerate such behavior. If any of us are to go to war, it will be for a worthy reason. Thank you for your time."
With that, he left the podium. The screen was immediatly filled by Sandra Mason reporting on this odd event. The television was turned off. As everyone sat thunderstruck, the Chief broke the silence.
"What?! Did crime stop in this city?"
That was when everyone noticed how quiet and inactive the bullpen was. No one had called in a burglary, or an assault. There were no other un identified bodies washing up on shore. The rainclouds which had been pattering on and off, broke open at the chiefs outburst and doused the city in a deluge. All the pimps and escort ladies were conducting business inside and out of sight. The cages were empty at the 101st. Peter took advantage of the momentarily stalled rain and jogged up the firescape to his father's apartment.
"Pop?" he called.
"I am in here Peter."
Peter followed the sound of the voice into his father's practice area.
"Don't you usually meditate about this time of the day? It's right after lunch."
Caine shrugged. "I have meditated all morning. I need to stretch." he explained while pracicing his Tai Chi motions.
Peter nodded. "Hmm, does that mean its been quiet for you too?"
Caine cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
As his father practiced his kicks, Peter leaned against the wall. "well, things are really quiet at the precinct right now. Too quiet really. I was wondering what was going on here."
"Nothing. For once, everyone seems to be having a nice day." Caine bent at the hip and effortlessly touched his toes, holding the position.
"No, my son, I went about my daily chores and now find myself with little to do. I have meditated, I was practiced my execrises, I have tended my garden which had no weeds for once. I have eaten lunch..." his voice trailed off.
Peter nodded. "well, isn't this weird. I almost wish something horrible would happen just to liven things up. I can't imagine spending the rest of the day like this."

As he left his father's apartment and headed down the street, he heard muffled voices coming from an ally.
"Allright!" he murmurd. "some action!"
He glanced down the alley and saw a man kneeling over another man. He had his captive in a choke hold and was throttling him.
Peter raced down the alley. "Police!" he hollered. "Let him go!"
The two men jumped up and stared at him in shock.
"Officer!" they both excaimed.
Peter stared at them in confusion. "What's going on?" he asked with annoyance.
The former choke victim starting talking first. "We were acting Sir. See, I am in an upcoming play "Twice Tonight"?" he ended the sentence as a question wanting to know if Peter had heard of the play.
He hadn't and said as much. If Peter didn't know better, he'd swear the 'actor' had been indignant at not being recognized.
"Anyway," the actor huffed. "My friend here was obliging me in helping with realism. I want to get a feel for how a dying victim feels." he was gesturing passionatly with his hands. Peter thought the man was abit nuts.
"Well, " Peter said. "are you sure your alright?" Both men nodded. "I'm sorry sir" the supposed murderer offered.
As Peter walked away, he shook his head in disbelief. What was happening to the city?!

"Any bad news?!" Peter asked hopefully to Broderick as he re-entered the 101st precint. Broderick shookhis head in disgust.
"Not a peep. For once, i wish someone would commit a crime!" Peter sighed and headed to his desk. There was a note from Jordan aiting there.
"Dear Peter," it read. "I can't wait for tonight. See ya"
Peter grinned mischieviously. Tonight at least, would be exciting. Jody sidled over to his desk. "All your paper is done!" she exclaimed.
Peter nodded grimly. "That and I met with Donny Double D, who was fresh out of information, by the way."
Jody was puzzled. "I'm not complaining or anything but isn't today just going a little too good? I mean, T.J. actually got a compliment out of his father to day. An honest to goodnesss Compliment!" Peter chuckled.
"That's not all! Skalany's mother called and actually apologized for berating her during her last visit up here! They talked for 20 minutes and bonded or something."
Peter's eyes widednded in mock horror. "Oh my stars! are things that good!" Jody gave him a shove.
"I'm serious Peter. What's going on. I am actually having a GOOD hair day! Kermit's been swapping supposedly inconspicuous looks with the Captain and spent the better porion of the day in her office. Chief is laying off and leaving us alone for once!"
Peter shook his head. "I don't know Jody, I don't know. But I wish to that it would stop." ~Finis~ !