April 1, 1998

Thank you for the moon last night
Thank you for Annie of Oregon
Thank you for the Global Art Project being done
Thank you for the rain shower today
Thank you for the gift you've given us all

Shannon's last art project was 'Planetary Synthesis,' her exchange piece for the Global Art Project. About the piece she wrote, "The set of old hands melds from red to yellow to black to white, representing all of the races in one form of unity. The candle has all of the four elements in it starting with lava, to grass, to ocean, to sky, to cosmos. Everything from the center of the earth out to the universe as a whole. So we all together hold up this light and keep it going just as the earth supports our lives and keeps us going."

The Global Art Project is a grass roots effort with the direction of founder Katherine Josten. Project volunteers and supporters believe that the Global Art Project helps to fulfill the need for new approaches to global stability. It focusses on the value of the arts as a pathway to understanding the world as it is and to imagining how it might be. The Global Art Project connects people of diverse cultural backgrounds, providing exposure to new ideas and a feeling of connection to the whole.


Katherine has become a dear friend to us and this year Jules and I are participating in the Global Art Exchange along with my sister and her sixth grade class. We will share our vision of global unity with exchange partners in Spain, Jerusalem and California... we are so happy to be able to continue in Shannon's memory.

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