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Airman Training 2000

This site is of a recent US Naval Sea Cadet Corp Training on board Naval Station Norfolk for Airman Training. The pics on the website are of the cadets and officers at their training and just having a good time. The training was alot of fun as you will see in the pics. For everyone who was there tis year I hope to see you farther down the road because you guys can always look to me as a "Friend In Low Place" when "You've Lost That Lovin Feeling" If you are interested in the program let me know or sign the guestbook and put in there you would like more info on Sea Cadets. Everyone who was at the training this note is for you, if you have any pics from the training on your computer send them to me. Thanks! AND EVERYONE WHO VISITS PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!

Websites Related to the Training

US Navy Webpage
US Naval Sea Cadet Corp Webpage
Photo Album #1
Photo Album #2
Photo Album #3
Photo Album #4
Photo Album #5
Photo Album #6

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