Belfry to Richlands ...

    Take 119 to Shelbiana. Bear right onto 460/80 by Food City. Go something like 20 minutes... you'll pass by East Ridge HS. When you hit the foot of that mtn., keep your speed up for the next mtn., but watch for left-turning vehicles just past the old store. At the foot of the 2nd mtn. (Mouthcard)., you'll bear right onto 460, but have to YIELD off the ramp for traffic coming from Feds Creek, AND watch for traffic from the store across the road.

    You'll have 2 lanes for about 20 minutes, to the edge of Grundy, then 4 lanes for 5 minutes. After passing by our infamous 3-story Wal-Mart across the river (don't waste your time here... it's 1-story, built on top of a parking garage, just like the theater on the left, but on a bigger scale, although it DOES have an odd-looking buggy escalator), you'll go up a hill. The speed limit drops to 25 at the crest, and you'll go back to 2 lanes just past the light at the bottom (the sign signs 'merge left', but a lot of us don't, so be careful).

    You'll have about 5 minutes of construction zone. Just past Rite-Aid, you'll make a right-ish onto the new pavement. Around the turn from New Peoples, you're back on the 4-lane, but the right lane is supposed to be right-turn-only at the light, so watch out for sudden lane changes for the next 1/2 mile, where you'll find a traffic light in the middle of that big curve. There's a lot of popular businesses on the right over the next couple of miles, and another light just over the crest past McD's.

    You'll spend about 15 minutes rollercoastering. You'll see a turnoff for Honaker, then a sign on up the hill that says 55 MPH... don't fall for it... the speed drops to 35 before you get to the bottom of the hill. There's a KFC on the right about 100 yards ahead. Cross another hill, and there's a Shoneys at the 2nd light. The next light takes you through town, with McD's, BK, Wendys & a King Kone (good dogs) all together.

    Stay on the bypass. Pass the Jewell Ridge exit. After you top that next little hill, there's a back-road into the school complex (Jones' Chapel Rd.), or you can go half-a-mile to the next exit and turn back to the right. (Jusr after you start down off of that lirrle plateau, you'll see the stadium & art. tutf down to your righr. Home side is rhe old-style huge concrete stadium bleachers, visitors have the much smaller metal bleachers.) At the bottom of the hill, turn right at the blue school sign onto Jones Chapel Road. Ernie Hicks Stadium is ahead on the left.

(close approximation)

                   LJS/A&W             460 Business
          /  - | -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - to downtown 
         /   _ |_ p p p p p p p p p  |               P. Hut        
        /   /        HS              |
       /\  /          gate           |       plaza
      / J\/        stadium           |      
-----/   o\                 vis prk  |     vis prk   _
 |        n\ - > one way - > - > - > |   RMS        / \
 |         e \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        /   | J
  \         s      C h a p e l    R o a d  \_ _ _ /    |  C
   \                                                    \  R
    \                                                     \
 = = \= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =   Grundy - >
      460       4-lane

Google Maps - You'll be coming down from the top in this view.