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- Vanilla -
Vanilla’s Bio
Vanilla's Livejournal
Vanilla's works
- Animation -
EGB Ghostbusters
Serial Experiments Lain
Serial Experiments Lain
- Movies -
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Lord of the Rings
- Music -
Nine Inch Nails
Robbie Williams
- Shrines -
Stephen King
Eddie Izzard
- Miscellaneous -
Advice page
Polls & Surveys

Vanilla's Main Page

WedNessDay, April 23
Lots of broken links, as I’m getting everything categorized. Hoping to actually stick with this and get my site at an acceptable before I’m gone for the summer.

Sunday, Dec. 8
Well, I’m not going as fast on the updating as I’d like to be, but I am updating my livejournal more often. Hey, you should be happy I’m making this update. I had to come to school on a Sunday to do this. I’m going to do some tidying up around here, check for broken links and such, and then I’m gonna go drum up some PR. It’s hard to feel motivated when I feel like nobody visits my page. Feel free to e-mail me with well wishes and love.

WedNessDay, Oct. 9
Added Name the Rock and Is Vanilla a good friend? polls. Psyching myself up to work on GB section.

Friday, September 27
Updated my Advice page. Go take a look! Feel free to keep sending questions! Also, I've been updating my livejournal somewhat regularly, so check that up to.

Once I get settled into classes, i hope to update more often... (promises promises)

Thursday, August 8th

Oh my Pepsi, I've actually updated my webpage!

Not only have I changed this page (And will be changinging the other pages over the next little while, but I brought back my advice page (which'll be running on a monthly basis, unless people send me enough questions to do so more often *hint hint*) and updated my friends page. All my friends are on that one page to avoid playing favorites.

You can e-mail questions for the advice page, or any questions or comments to me -->here <--.