USS LaFayette



to my

Ready Room


This is where I come to think, receive classified communications, and complete the mountain of paperwork required of a Battle Group Commander. Enjoy your visit, but don't get to comfortable; there's lots more to see!

Tap the commbadge to link to the most recent Mission Logs




  The LaFayette is at battle stations outside the Factor system. The converted asteroid ship Remblatt, under the command of Captain Ben Cape, is now home to our entire marine and fighter forces. The Remblatt's mission? Establish an orbital base for the attack on Factor V. Our enemy is an unknown race we've dubbed "Weasels," due to their appearence. They are a fearsome foe, granting no mercy and prone to suicidal attacks on their targets. The Weasels are not indiginous to this system, and I expect once we attack, reinforcements will begin to arrive. The LaFayette stands ready to prevent the Weasel reinforcement of Factor V.


  Despite the fact that Admiral Taggart's introduction to the LaFayette occurred in the middle of a pie fight at the Dark Unicorn Lounge, our Task Force commander's inspection seems to be going well. At least on the surface. Scratch a little deeper, and you will find several odd things going on...It appears that our Casolian refugee is not everything she seems, my Chief of Security considers all my officers (including me) to be a security risk, and our Ekser engineering "consultant" has activated some sort of organic machine which is slowly taking over the ship. Is it any wonder I like chocolate?


  On entering the Hanoli Nebula enroute to Starbase Sentinel, the LaFayette has encountered a damaged shuttle craft of Casolian design. Aboard, one human female, badly injured. SunTsu wrote many centuries ago that "no battle plan survives contact with the enemy." While I had planned for the LaFayette's first mission to be an easy shakedown for her crew, I fear that fate has delt us another hand.


The USS LaFayette is honored to accept its first award; click the award graphic for more information.

We are equally honored to accept our second award:

As well as our third:

Chain of Command and Mission Overview

  Bravo Fleet was established to defend the Federation against Borg, Dominion and now Krazzle excursions into UFP space.

Currently, Bravo Fleet forces are deployed along the Krazzle boarder, sector 349 watching for farther BORG attacks in Beta Quadrant and with the Federation/Klingon/Romulan forces in the Alpha quadrant fighting the Dominion/Cardassian forces.

To learn more, choose the icon on the left to establish a secure link with Bravo Fleet Headquarters.

  Task Force 17, code named DarkStar Ops is under the command of Rear Admiral Taggart. DarkStar's mission has been defined as follows:
  • To defend all the Federation from all enemies, Foreign and Domestic.
  • To provide defence From primary Threat Forces such as the Borg, Dominion and Krazzle.
  • To provide the members of Bravo Fleet with all necessary Tactical Support.

To learn more, choose the icon on the left to establish a secure link with Starbase Sentinel, DarkStar's headquarters.

  Battle Group Alpha, unofficially known as The Legionnaires , is responsible for gathering intelligence and the ligitimate conduct of convert operations against the Federation's enemies. And there are more of those out there than you might think!

The Legionnaires currently consists of following forces:

  • USS LaFayette, Flagship, Admiral P.D. McAllister
  • USS Sabre, Captain Christina M. Ross, Group Executive Officer
  • USS Vindictive, Commodore Roman Constan, TFXO
  • USS Mystic, Captain Alistair Wells
  • USS Shanghai, Captain Tobias McCormick

To learn more, choose the icon on the left to establish a secure link directly to the Legion's database.

  Under the command of Admiral P.D. McAllister, the mission of the USS LaFayette is simple and direct:




Know Your Enemy



The Krazzle


The Dominion

    The Borg
    Logo Not


    Logo Not


    The Breen   The C'hakilian   The Son'a  


Choose a link above to learn more about the enemies most commonly engaged by the USS LaFayette.


This site, USS LaFayette & the Legionnaires belongs to
Commodore McAllister.