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Greetings and Welcome!

Several years ago I started this site… it was my first.
Many things have changed drastically within my life and
are directly reflected by the changes within this site.

As we journey through life we have various rites of passage
from one stage to another. I believe that it is
in how we deal with one that gains us the privilege
of moving to the next level.
Our time spent here is filled with wandering
and exploring, moving from place to place in situations, homes,
and stages of our lives. This journey of life that we are on
is not made alone, but with many others.
Some travel with us for most of the time, some
briefly, and others we may never meet along the way.
It does not mean that they are not headed for the same destination
if we do not encounter them, only that they have chosen
another route by which to get there.
    Originally these pages held a great many works
by others as well as myself. Today the things you
find here are mostly mine. There are a few items by others, and
you will find out about them as you read the things they have written.

Join me as I share my particular journeys with you.
Hopefully sharing them may touch a place within to give
understanding of something
for yourself, or someone close to you.

Warmest Blessings,

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