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The Walley Ball Web page is for the purpose of promoting the sport. It is also a place for teams in the Monday league at the Fairfax Racquet Club to keep track of the standings as the season progresses. The current 7 week season began on September 11th, 2000. The next season should start on October 30th, 2000. There are opportunities for teams or individuals for each season. If you are interested in playing send an e-mail message to Sylvia at College Connections Inc or call at (703)556-0149.

Send email to Ken Snyder if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this web site.

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Congratulations the Guppies - June 2000 League Champions

College Connections Walley Ball League Rankings
(Forfeit = 0 ; Loss = 2 ; Win = 7)
Tournament Night is Monday, October 23rd, 2000
Monday, September 11th, 2000 is a Practice Night
Rank Team Name Week 1 (9/11/2000) Week 2 (9/18/2000) Week 3 (9/25/2000) Week 4 (10/2/2000) Week 5 (10/9/2000) Week 6 (10/16/2000)
1 Guppies 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Minnows 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bea's Swarm 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Alley Oop 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Flounders 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Interballactic 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Telecon 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Indi's 0 0 0 0 0 0

Alley Oop Bea's Swarm
Indi's Interballactic

*** If you would like me to add a link to your team page, send me the URL. If you need assistance creating your own team page, let me know. ***

Disclaimer - These rules apply to the Monday night league at the Fairfax Racquet Club. These rules may vary from league to league.

1. All players must complete and sign a 1997 Waiver and Release of Liability form before participating. Team Captains are responsible for obtaining waivers for each of their team members.

2. We'll play a seven week season.

3. Game times are from 8:00 PM to 9:45 PM. You can warm-up beginning at 7:45 PM.

4. Unless otherwise directed, teams must be ready to start to play by 8:00 PM. There is no grace period before a forfeit occurs.

5. The locker room is available beginning at 7:40 PM. Towels are provided by the Club, but you must bring your own lock. Please return the towel to the dirty towel bins.

6. Parking -- Please use the furniture store's or P.J. Skidoos parking lots as much as possible. Use the Club's lot if you prefer. Parking is not allowed along the driveway leading from Route 50 to the Racquet Club. A word of caution -- do not leave valuables in clear view in the car. Lock all valuables in the trunk.

7. Use of the exercise machines is prohibited.

8. Please remember this is a friendly competition. Profane or vulgar language and violent or especially aggressive conduct is prohibited. Violations may result in a player being barred from futher participation.

9. Walley Ball is played like volleyball but in a racquetball court.

10. You can play with 3, 4, or 5 players on the court at one time. If a team has 5 players on the court, two players must be women. If a team has 3 or 4 players on the court, only one player must be a woman.

11. This is a friendly competition and due to varying skill levels, some rules are loosely enforced. Disagreements about a point will be settled by playing the point again.

12. The first team to score 15 wins the game -- except there is a two point minimum requirement from 15 to 20, after 20 the two point minimum does not apply (so a team could win by a score of 21 to 20, but play continues if the score is 15 to 15).

13. A point is scored only when the serving team wins the volley.

14. For each game, the winning team earns 7 points; the losing team earns 2 points; no points for a forfeit. The previous week and cumulative team scores will be posted each night.

15. Teams will play each other on a rotating basis. For example, after playing Team 1, Team 2 (win or lose) will rotate out. Team 2 will then change sides and and play Team 3. After playing Team 3, Team 2 (win or lose) will rotate out and so on. The teams in each rotation will change each Monday based in part on the previous weeks game results.

16. Team captains, or a designee, are responsible for keeping score and recording the results of each game on the sheet posted outside the court.

17. The ball may be hit off of the side walls or directly over the net. Only the receiving team may hit the ball off of the back wall (it's own). Hitting the ball off the ceiling is prohibited. Hitting the ball through the "hole" results in playing the point again.

18. The ball may be hit off just one wall before being struck by a player. No slamming the ball off two or more walls.

19. Direct spiking is prohibited. Spiking is permissible if the ball is bounced off a side wall.

20. The team in the front court (glass side)serves first.

21. The server must serve from within 2 to 3 feet of the back wall. The serve must pass over the net without touching a member of the serving team or touching the net. The served ball may touch the side wall of the serving team or the receiving team provided the ball touches only one wall before landing in the receiving team's court. The server has one opportunity to make a good serve.

22. A team may touch the ball three times before hitting it over the net.

23. Contact with the net while a ball is in play is prohibited and will result in a point for the serving team or a change of service.

24. Breaking the plane of the net is not allowed when blocking a shot. It is permitted at other time provided no direct spiking occurs.

25. A player may not make successive contact with the ball.

26. Simultaneous contact by two or more players with the ball is counted as one hit. Any of the players who made simultaneous contact may immediately hit the ball again.

27. NO CARRIES -- holding, lifting or pushing the ball with one or two open hands either under hand or overhand.

28. Substitutions -- substitutions are permitted provided the substitute player plays at least one full rotation. No "position specific" substitutions permitted.

29. Substitutions -- no substitutions are permitted from other league teams.

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