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The Great Peanut Debate


It is astounding what a vocal minority can accomplish. The tiny packets of peanuts served in-flight may soon become a thing of the past because a handful of people are violently allergic to them.

It would be nice in theory to rid the environment of all allergens, but in reality, it is impractical. I would not miss encountering a person in-flight who puts on pungent perfume or cologne by the shovelful, which aggravates my allergies. However, I know banning perfume and cologne is impractical and unenforceable.

What is to stop a passenger from bringing aboard his own peanuts? Will security agents screen for peanuts as zealously as guns, knives, and bombs? Will the peanut-eating majority of air travelers be forced to consume the delicacy in the lavoratory? Get real! To this nutty idea of restricting or banning the consumption of peanuts aboard commercial flights, I say NUTS!

I urge any of you who are going to take to the friendly skies to see if they pass out peanuts as an in-flight snack and what happens if you bring your own. Report back to me at the e-mail address below. I look forward to reading your experiences and your opinions.

PEANUT UPDATE: A friend of mine from university flew from Baltimore to Atlanta and they did not serve peanuts except to those in first class. However, he asked the stewardess for and got several bags of peanuts.

My friend from Singapore recently took a trip to Sydney, flying on Qantas. He reports back to me that Qantas doesn't ever plan to participate in the peanut ban, regardless of what law comes about in the United States. It seems to me that all this who-shot-John over banning peanuts is a uniquely an American debate. My friend from Singapore and other friends overseas must think we Americans are completely nuts to get so involved in such a silly argument. I'm guessing he's probably right.

It looks like the anti-peanut zealots aren?t getting far, folks. Continue telling me your experiences on peanuts. I am especially curious to know what happens if you bring your OWN peanuts on board.

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- Peanut Poll -
Should peanuts be banned from flights in deference to the peanut allergic?


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