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according to a life expectancy test i took on some website, i could live to be ninety-seven years old if nothing bad happens between now and then. that means that as of now, i have a little less than seventy-eight years to do all the things i want to do. even if i don't live to be ninety-seven years old, i would be very happy anyway if i got to do these things...

one to change somebody else's life for the better...even if it's just in a very tiny little way.
(i would feel extra-good, too, if i could ever possibly help somebody in the way the special people in my life have helped me.)

two to play so beautifully that i make somebody cry, or yell and slap their knees, whichever.

three to learn japanese, go to japan, and finally meet all those e-mail pen pals of mine.

four to climb through a cave like the kind i saw in national geographic when i was know, the caves you have to -crawl- through with knee pads and a helmet with a light on it.

five to write and publish something a book on the hidden curriculum of our school system or a collection of poetry. and if somebody actually read and enjoyed it,, that sure would be cool.

six if i ever teach music in a school, which i probably will, i want to DO something about the hidden curriculum. i want to use my teaching to build kids up and show them what wonderful people they are. i want to give them all that i possibly can, cause what i do might just change a kid's life.

sevento live in a nice big city where there's always something going on (even if it involves spending a couple of months sleeping on somebody's floor).

eight to help win the fight against people who turn much-needed forests into nasty suburbs just so they can fill up their bank accounts and and suffocate us all with their expensive cars.

nine to be the proud owner of a place where the tea is hot, the people are inviting, and the music is never-ending.

ten to never, ever, ever, EVER settle down, at least in the normal sense of the word. no white picket fences or sitting at home on saturday nights for as long as i may live. i never want to fall into a routine or out of love, not with any person and especially not with life itself.

eleven to be a strong person, even when i'm old. strong enough to pick up my grandkids and give them -good- airplane rides, and strong enough to accept change while still standing up for what i believe. big biceps and an even bigger mind.....GRR!!

twelve this goes with number eleven. to be a kid, even when i'm old. smiling in the face of anything and everything i encounter, always able to have fun, and never able to run out of questions.

and this list is always gettin bigger, of course...

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