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September 11, 2001 ~ The day the nation cried.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in New York and Washington along with anybody who lost family or friends in the terrible terrorist attacks.

My Favorite Things

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Sherman's Website (check it out)
My Friend Erin's Website (Check it out)
Luzcanon's Wrestling War Zone


I am trying to update my Site. There will be a couple of changes in the near future. Please be patient as it will be awhile before the whole site is updated. Thank you!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel Page

Does anybody like Star Trek the Collectible Card Game. If so e-mail with suggestions on what I could do. I have my page up. Deep Space 9 is out. The new expansion "The Dominion" is out. Haven't seen it yet though. If anybody does want to trade just e-mail your list and I will get back to you.

Those who like wrestling check out my wrestling page below for rumors and results. Wolfpack 4 life. Contains Reports and listenings.

For NASCAR fans. I am a Rusty Wallace fan personally but I like most of the drivers.(except for 24) I have Richmond Results up and a few news items.

I also happen to love football. Green Bay Rules, Dallas Drules. Week One Results are up. Enjoy!!!

I have a soft spot so I have adopted several internet pets please check them out.

If you have any comments or suggestions please e-mail me your thoughts

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