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Sven - Germany
“Family Life"
I live in Oldenburg where study sports and economics. I recorded the song on a zoom MRS-4B in my livingroom. I used a Yamaha acoustic guitar and an Epiphone Lp elitist wich I plugged into a Big Muff distortion pedal. I just recorded it for my self, and it was more a test. After a few beers on a friday night I was scrolling up and down the NMA noticeboard where I found the link to your site. I thought what a great idea and so I sent it to TC. The next morning I was not so happy about my decision, but if you like it and think it is ok, so why not. :-) best regards Sven
Crystal Entity
Landgraaf, The Netherlands

Maja - Vocals
Donna - Bass
Paul v L – Synth
Paul K - Guitar
Peter - Drums

Crystal Entity – Landgraaf, The Netherlands
“Notice Me"
Recorded: Landgraaf 2003
When the recording was made: It was recorded with a minidisc-player during a show in Landgraaf in 2003 (The name of the venue is Exit-In-G). It was in the very beginning of our band. This was our 3rd gig.
Zerocratie - Lyon, France

JB(Jean-Baptiste)-bass, backing vocals

Zerocratie – Lyon, France
“Green & Gray"
Recorded: May 2005
This cover was recorded in a lonely countryside house on a grey and cloudy day of May 2005. An atmosphere that actually fitted quite well to the song. We used a Presonus Firepod soundboard, a cheap sequencer software, an Aria electro-acoustic guitar with a Fishman microphone and a bass guitar plugged in a Carvin amp. We know that "Green and Grey" is one of the top-favourite NMA track among the fans so it was quite a challenge to cover this masterpiece. We love that song so we've tried to respect the tune just adding our personal touch to it. It was really a great pleasure to record this wonderful melancholic song though we're really far from the power of the original track by NMA. Sorry in advance for the french accent on the vocals and possible mistakes in the lyrics ! Hope you'll enjoy it.

Our band Zerocratie was created more than 10 years ago. We were a punk hardcore students band composed of 5 persons. We've made several gigs in bars and alternative places but never recorded something with a really clean sound. Then 2 persons left the band and few times ago our drummer left also the band. So we decided to carry on making a kind of acoustic guitar and bass folk music duo with totally new songs. Some of it are in french others are in english. We started to rehearse those new songs some months ago. We now intend to make our first gigs with this new line-up for this summer.
Alexis (a zerocrat).

Dominic - Sheffield, England
Antediluvian Order Of Failed Jesuits - Sheffield, England
“Western Dream"
Recorded: End of January 2005
Western Dream is probably one of the more overlooked songs in the NMA back catalogue, which according to preliminary research has barely got a live airing outside of the Ghost of Cain Tour in 1986. It was recognised early on that the lack of acoustic/live releases etc actually gave us more room for interpretation. No doubt these are factors which led to the A.O.O.F.J. turning their attention to it for this tribute. We prefer to say the track was chosen simply because we like it.

The basic track was recorded between meals by the General Secretary (Dominic) during the last week of January 2005 using Cubase (guitars, bass, vox etc). The drums were programmed on Reason and a tub of rice was shaken by hand. Some Sheffield keyboards were added (FM7) and Monsignor Gareth added an acoustic and some backing vox. Brother Nick, (on loan from Father Freddy and the Franciscans) and Sister Rebecca added some “Whoa‘s” - as did anyone else who passed through the house that week.

After recording, one half of a week was spent trying to be clever with effects and the mix; the other half painstakingly returning to a more stripped down version. Some re-recording took place (particularly the bass, and the drums) but these later mixes we felt lacked something the earlier versions had. In the end, and after lengthy debate about being 'niggly', one of the earlier mixes was chosen in the spirit the project was started. A special thank you to ToastingCain, and of course NMA for all they have given us over the years.

Dominic, General Secretary, A.O.O.F.J.

Tariq , Mark & Steff - London England
M.T.S. - London England

Mark Simpson - Vocals/Guitars
Steff - Vocals/Guitars
Tariq – Drums

This was recorded sometime in the year 1999 I think, maybe earlier, in a converted garage in the middle of a motorcycle workshop in Action, West London. The songs were originally recorded for the Remodeled project. I chose the sons because I liked the idea of rocking up acoustic numbers, but I like to think we haven’t completely destroyed them and they still portray the heartfelt nature of the subject matter/lyrics. A lot has happened and things have changed since we recorded these, but it’s nice to have them as a record of where we all were at the time.
Cheers, Tariq/Mark/Steff/

Old Melody Men - Bradford

Old Melody Men
Moose & Robert - Bradford

Old Melody Men
The Hunt
Recorded in England between 1987 and 2005

When 'Remodelled' was touted, Robert suggested we put a track together. He wanted to do a song from the post-Impurity era. I had a different idea. The first piano version of The Hunt, begun during Ghost of Cain, was never completed. I wanted to do a version that stuck to Robert's original idea of a claustrophobic night-time chase, but which owed something to the noir movies of the forties and fifties; a sort of Chandleresque narrative in the style of Humphrey Bogart. The bulk of the track was recorded using Reason, I did a vocal part, piano and some samples of people talking about ghastly acts of violence. I used a loop to suggest to Robert where the drums should be going. Before I got any further, 'Remodelled' was no more, and the track got shelved.

In October, Jeff told me about 'Toasting Cain', and I said I might have something for it. I was going to dust off the track once again, but then Robert very sadly died. I knew it'd never be completed as intended, but I still wanted to do something as a tribute to him.

I fished out some old demo tapes from December 1987, recorded at The Sawmill. I found 'The Rap', an early, drum only version of 'Inheritance', from which I sampled, edited and looped Robert's performance. I then spun the re-edited Reason version into a Soundscape 24 track R.Ed DAW. The new vocal was electronically compiled and put through a heavy distortion and vocoder. I added a Hammond A-100, a Fender F-35 acoustic and then the bass (Precision) and guitars (Telecasters), all recorded through a Behringer Valve pre-amp with a Behringer V-Amp Pro for good measure. There's a bit of E-Bow going on and lots of strange tunings. To complete the line-up from the original version, I sampled Justin's guitar opening and re-tuned it to fit all the chord changes, and then pinched some bits from the chorus and the end. The strings are sampled from a Swedish orchestra, and it was mastered in Sound Forge 6.

It was a bastard to mix and still isn't quite right, but I've been dicking around with this on and off since 2001, and that's quite long enough. Also, despite some small edits, it's still too fucking long...

Hope you enjoy it.
Us and Them - Lyon France
Us and Them - Lyon France
“Better Than Them"

Esther sings and i (Guillaume) play an Ibanez Electro-Acoustic Guitar. It was recorded in 2003 on MD with a 01V Yamaha Digital Mixer. A Friend made it. He is member of a light an sound association ("scène action")
Kevin de Groot - Colchester
Kevin de Groot - Colchester

Leopardskin Nuclear Bomber No.2 is the side project of Kevin de Groot, lead guitarist of 80’s punk legends Kronstadt Uprising and currently playing in Colchester based doom goth metallers Dead Men Dream.
“I have always liked Stranger for the “little rays of hope” it brings. We planned to record a pretty straight version of Stranger but add a Fate-style guitar solo over the instrumental verse. In the end we did this!”
Recorded 29th December 2004 on a Korg D8.
Britt & Louise - Manhattan
Britt & Louise - Manhattan

Great songs can bear a lot of interpretation. And New Model Army's Marrakesh is a great song. We know we took a few liberties with it-including intros and outros, and various other kinds, well, tros. And frankly, we like the original a lot better too. But man, this was fun and fascinating interpreting it. Thanks for giving us a chance to add a song.

We recorded the song on a digital home recorder (Boss BR 1600) in our Manhattan bedroom and used some cheap guitars (an old Fender Squire Strat. and an Ibanez ATK 5-string bass) into a Line 6 guitar pod. That helped a lot to get some tone. The drums are a Boss Dr. Rhythm drum machine and we added some tambourine to take away that horrible robot drum machine sound. And we used one of the basic Sennheiser mics-it's kind of like the SM-57 Shure mic.
Guido Wulf - Willebadessen Germany

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Guido Wulf - Willebadessen Germany
“Marry The Sea"

The song was recorded in december 2004 at my home using a electric Fender Squier Strat. The recording itself was done with the help of my computer running Windows XP Prof., Native Instrument's Guitar Rig software effects processor and the N-Track Studio multitrack recording software.
I chose to cover this song because I always loved the haunting atmosphere of the original and - as I have definitely no talent in singing - wanted to see if it still works replacing the vocals with some guitar riffs. Hope you like it.
Luke One - Lausanne, Switzerland

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Luke One - Lausanne, Switzerland

Musicians and instruments played on the recording. Luke One: Drumloop, Guitar (Gibson Les Paul), Bass (Fender Jazz-bass), Didgeridoo, Vocals

When the recording was made. December 2004
Courage –this song always succeeds in sending shivers down my spine, for better or worse. I was initially determined to lay down a calmer, acoustic version of the song, but after having started to mess around with a drum-loop I came up with this slightly noisy, darker version….
Lurch - The Hague, The Netherlands


Lurch - The Hague, The Netherlands

I love cover versions, always have, always will. The Wesley Wills Fiasco's take on Duran Duran's Girls On Film, the Metallica trance classic (!) Fade to Black by Apoptygma Bezerker (Blackest Album v2) or Emperor's magnificent version of Bathory's A Fine Day To Day all carry something very special - a respect for the original with the unmistakable imprint of the new artist. When the idea of a tribute to NMA was mooted I knew what I wanted to do straight away. A kind of US punk style My Country. Did it end up like that? Nope. Did it become the bastard love child of Ministry and early Dimmu Borgir? Maybe. Did I have fun getting there? Damn right I did
Zevlagh & Selikal - Carpetania, Spain

Zevlagh & Selikal
aka "Celtiberian & Fredenandus"
Zevlagh & Selikal - Carpetania, Spain

We recorded this track last Springtime, as a part of a tribute album that some friends and I were put to make. The idea of the project was recording several songs from our favourite bands, so the Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, los Bravos, Celtas Cortos, New Model Army, A. Badalamenti and a few others were the bands chosen.
Instead of taking an anthem from NMA we decided to go for the funny side, so Mermaid Song was our choice, in order to make some interesting cool chants on it.
So, when you are spanish and your english is not the best on earth, as I have already showed, what do you do about the lyrics? Pencil in hand we wrote the lyrics as we understood them after just one listening. Nice. And what about some beer?
I hope you like the final result
COLD TRASH RADIO - Valence,France

COLD TRASH RADIO - Valence,France

"Living in the Rose" intro drum loop, Jim Harley bass, Takamine acoustic guitar, Epiphone SG electric guitar, Marshall JCM900 amp, Yamaha Sound Processor SPX50D, Tascam 4-tracks recorder, Acid Pro 4.0, Soundforge 6.0
Thanks infinitly to Jeff, Gary Wood, and Justin, Joolz and NMA for all they brought me all over the years!
Stéfany and Xavier from Jouy le moutier, France.

Xavier & Stéfany
Website // Email
Stéfany & Xavier from Jouy Le Moutier, France

We recorded the song, in our living room, on a PC portable with a multi tracks software. Vocal, folk guitar (Takamine G240) and bass guitar (Fender Squier MB4) was done by me. Guitar electric work (Gibson LP custom) by my loving mate, Xavier. For my bass I used bass V-amp. Xavier used Line 6 Spider 212.
We chose this title because we love it!!
We like very much the rythm and also the lyrics. There's something special in this song. And it's a great feeling to sing and play nma songs. It's really strong and beautiful.
Five or six years ago now that I have my folk guitar and it's because of NMA and also people who put nma guitar chords on the web that I could learn guitar. I started with Better than them, Love song and after… many others.
Crimestick - Russelville, AR. USA

Brandt Bourns / JS / Jeff & Teresa Bourns
Crimestick - Russelville, AR. USA

We recorded the song on my Zoom PS-04 Digital Four Track. Guitar work was done on my Ibanez SZ-520 Quilted Maple, "blue beauty" as I call it, with a hint of delay on the main guitar line (otherwise clean) played through my Line 6 Spider II 15 watt amp. The other guitar sound you hear (yes, it's a guitar believe it or not) between the chorus and bridge was created by some rapid picking then washing the tonality out with an effect called 'mad bass' that is one of the integrated effects on the Zoom. There are a total of 3 vocal tracks, each of which I recorded on the Zoom's external mic using different vocal effects from the effects function on the Zoom. Mix down was done by transferring the files from the four track to my PC, then using the multi-track program Audacity to fine tune with.

I chose Justin Sullivan's 'Blue Ship' mainly because it has a certain element of beautiful simplicity to it...yet there is a lot going on lyrically speaking. The juxtaposition of the "Strange Brotherhood" and the isolationistic tendencies of the speaker just seemed something I kind of felt I could relate to at the time I decided to do the cover...which is why I think my version ended up sounding a little more depressing than the original given I was really intrigued by that aspect of the song. In any case, I hope I came even a little bit close to capturing the amazing feel someone gets when you hear the original.

I'm crediting my brother Brandt with the creation of this song as well because we make up Crimestick, a developing musical endeavor. A 'Strange Brotherhood' in it's own rite, and a daily outlet for expressing ourselves creatively. A big thanks to Teresa as well, whose support and input I couldn't live without.

Dedicated to my sister just isn't the same without you.