Warning : This site contains no educational, intellectual, nutritional, moral, monetary, spiritual, or redeeming value. Also contains no preservatives. 12 grams of fat per serving.

Okay, now that the legal disclaimer is out of the way, down to business. Long ago and just next door, you could come to /va/nightrose/index.html and immediately see my works.
No more! Through 37 years of intense demographic research, I have come to the conclusion that, not only does every well-designed web site need a disclaimer, it needs a gratuitous title page. Usually, these title pages contain an overlarge high-res jpeg that takes ten minutes to load and is followed by the words "Click on the image to enter the site" as if you didn't know what to do, or perhaps really didn't want to enter that site after all.
Since I assume- perhaps wrongfully- that you people out there are smart enough to not need those words (and all the overlarge high-res jpegs I have are porn), this title page is just text.
I've had people complain to me that I use too much text, that by setting the scene with writing rather than spitting out a list of links, I am using poor design techniques, distracting my audience with irrelevant information, and my soul will be eternally damned for it.
Well, you want to know what I have to say to that?

purple monkey dishwasher cannibal baby in a bottle

And if you don't like it, don't come back! Dammit Jim, I'm a writer, not a designer. With that out of the way, please proceed to my site.

Contains 100% of Vitameatavegimin and asbestos extract, with food coloring Yellow #5.

This page made with a Macintosh OS 8.6 (and a G3) on a Netscape 6.2 browser, with a resolution of 832x624, in the United States.
This page most commonly viewed with a Windows 95 OS on Netscape 4, with a resolution of 800x600, in the Netherlands (although Australia, Belgium, France, and the UK have been known to drop by). So if it looks funny to you, it's your fault for not using the proper OS.
Most people get here from: http://www.witchvox.com/
and so I apologize to all the witchies looking for hand-out spells. There aren't any here. This is simply the website of a pagan, not a pagan website. I hope you come look around and enjoy anyway. :)
Don't ask me how I know all this; the e-mail faeries told me.