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What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been....

Sharon Henderson
Priest, Historian, and Internet Geek

Autism Can Be Cured!

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Morty the Death's Head

Just Another Self-Aggrandizing Home Page...

Well, not really. But it's cool to say that.

I'm interested in World War One Aviation,

World War Two Armored Vehicles,

VW Type 181's,

and the American Civil War,

specifically the Confederate Cavalry.

Click Here to see my company,

Memel Imperative Ltd.

Click Here to email me.

See you 'round the Aerodrome....

Weather in Hell

Here are two pix of me at my Favorite Job (tm): I am an Independant Catholic Priest. With me is my ordaining Superior, Bishop Katherine.

Pic One: The Fractioning of the Bread:

This is the moment when the Priest Host (the Big Wafer) is broken in symbol of Christ's sacrifice. The accompanying words are:

"In token of Your great sacrifice, we break this your Body...."

Pic Two: Presenting the Gifts to the Congregation.

This is when the host and the Cup are shown to the people after Consecration. Note there is a tiny fragment missing from the Host; it was broken off and put into the cup to show the reunion of the Body and Blood of Christ.

The words here are: "This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to his supper!"

This is our newest kitten, Thranduil, named after the Elven-King of Mirkwood (AKA Father of Legolas, yum!) in Tolkien's masterwork, Lord of the Rings. We call him Thrandy for short. He is absolutely adorable!!

Here's another pic of him and me together:

And here he is being terminally cute. I use this picture on my author's profile page at

To see more about my cats, look here:Wonderful Kitties!