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The Best Restrooms in L.A.

obviously, this was just recently created so you'll have to pardon the lack of material herein. however, serious followers of my webpage will not be disappointed once this is up & runnin. i got all the info i need, & then some, & i've got the wrong crowd backin me up so there's no way this won't go thru. expect to see pics & words by middle of june '99. til then you can salivate about the prospects. trust me, i aim to please.


ok, got the 1st installment of pics sent to get developed. i think i picked some really cool & some really not so cool restrooms, but it's all good. i will try to get the setup & categories on this week & i will definitely scan pics by this week & get this whole thing rolling. dammit, ok, so that could mean just one pic, but @ least it's a start. will get the pics in a couple days so expect to see some pics by fri, 6/11. yep, i think i'll celebrate by watchin austin powers 2 after this is all said & done.


ok, the pics are in & all scanned. please keep in mind that this webpage page is obviously a work in progress, so what i'm sayin is i will update it as time is available. unfortunately, w/ my moronic scanning abilities & lack of my own comp, as well as havin spent approx. $120 on this whole thing, i don't feel the need to add any more unless i get some fuckin feedback from you losers. anywayz, on w/ the pics. i've gone ahead & segregated the pics by area. obviously, this is NOT as definitive as i'd like it to be, so sign my guestbook or email me so i know there's some reason to keep posting pics.

Justification for all This

a little prose on how all this came about.

Best Restrooms, Cafe

here's the nominees for Best Restroom, Cafe. these are purely subjective of course.

Anastasia's Asylum

been my favorite cafe since my ex-girlfriend took me there day after valentine's. hella cozy antique velvet furniture, great artwork, nice victorian/european feel, great lighting, great artwork. the restroom at this joint is just the icing on the cake. also check out my review of Anastasia's on the cafe review page.

the Noura Cafe

one of my fave haunts & definitely a top cafe around town. my best friend janis introduced me to it on my 22nd b-day. wouldn't you know it i've hung out there only on my b-days. well, this was the 1st time i've been there on a non-bday, but it was well worth it. this restroom is definitely tight. also check out my review of the Noura in my cafe review page. highly recommended.

Best Restrooms, Hollywood

a little dissertation on the hollywood restroom scene.

the Mann's Chinese Theatre

one of Hollywood's main attractions. a hollywood hilite for decades, yet never truly brought to life until now. cum experience the restrooms here at Mann's.

the Yamashiro

one of the best restaurants in L.A. Great food, hella awesome view of the city, truly one of the most awesome dining experiences around town. what does it's restroom have to offer, however? take a peek.

the Roosevelt Hotel

i've always seen this rather swanky hotel & driven past it. then i decided to take a gander. here's what i found.

Hamburger Hamlet

this is the one on Hollywood, across from Mann's Chinese & close to the Roosevelt Hotel. the only one i've seen that has a bar inside.

Coffee House

a neat little 24 hour cafe that just opened up. i am both thrilled & sickened by this place. click here & let me explain. or go check out the review i gave it over on my Cafe review page.

the Studio Cafe

right on hollywood blvd, a long time staple of the hollywood scene. just how glamorous are it's toilets? check it out.

the Burgeoise Pig

a notorious hollywood haven for the ultra cool along with the ultra wannabes. my kinda freakpad. just how demented are it's bathroom walls? come (open your) fly w/ me.

the Scientology Hotel

right across from the Burgeoise Pig, this is where all the fat cats get shacked up @ when they do their worship. just what will it's bathrooms offer? hmm...

Mel's Diner

another 24 hour joint. kinda steep, but it's a nice little 50's style cafe that's always packed. here's a looksee @ their restrooms.

Best Restrooms, Beverly Hills

not much here yet, but enough to give ya a taste

the Beverly Hills Hotel

got the scoop about this from my friend Elizabeth. you wanted excess & extravagance to the extreme? you got it. very posh & overdone.

Best Restrooms, UCLA

the best restrooms on campus. i guess it's my own personal dissertation on UCLA restrooms. always under construction.

Dodd Hall

some of the choicest stalls on campus. check it out!

Kinsey Hall

definitely one of my fave restrooms on campus. lord knows i've used it often enough.

Ackerman Union

your basic, student union type restroom experience.


one of my fave buildings on campus. what kinda restrooms does it have?

Best Restrooms, West L.A.

this includes parts of Westwood & Santa Monica as well (specifically Main Street). a nice little collection. still under heavy construction.

the Coffee Bean

this here's a pic of the one on Gayley and Weyburn. probably the one spot i spent the most time @ during my school dayz. here's the restroom nitty gritty.


this here's the one in Westwood, walking distance from the coffee bean.


this is one of those old school IHOPs, on Sepulveda & National, next to the BofA. always loved this place, eaten there only once, used their restroom several times tho. here's what i experienced.

the California History Museum

yes, well, i HAD! to take pics of this. right on the corner of Main Street & Ocean Park i believe. nice little museum. great, cozy little restroom.

the Victoria

right across from the California History Museum. a special event location. wonder what it's restrooms are like? take a gander.

Pete's Coffee

nestled closeby to MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) and the surroundin Main Street district, it's got a juicy little restroom. check it out.

Best Restrooms, 3rd St. Promenade

a definitive guide to the essential restrooms on 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica. mainly a compilation of a poor guy's know-to around which restrooms to use when you're not a customer.

Johnny Rockets

probably one of the most used restrooms on 3rd St. here's a looksee

Barnes & Noble

old reliable. been goin here for years. definitely the best restroom as a matter of convenience. here's a peek

Yankee Doodles

yep, one of those evil places that i've never hung out at. but for the sake of this little project, i had to suck it up. the horror the horror.


yep. a bit more middle of the strip. here's a quick bit on their restrooms.

The Hidden Restrooms

these are the ones across from Wolfgang Puck's (ick!) on the 2nd floor. ya gotsa take the escalator. here's the skinny on 'em.

Parkin Lot

these are the funky facilities they got over on the parking structure just north of , east of 3rd St. kinda funky.

Santa Monica Place

here's a peek at the boy's room inside the mall @ 3rd Street.
