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Stat damage poisons: Lesser does d4 stat damage for d4 hours. Moderate does d5 for d4 hours and greater does d6 for d4 hours. ( one made for each stat). 20,000 gp each for lesser, 40,000gp each for moderate, 60,000 gp each for greater.
Invisibility Potions: Causes drinker to become invisible, as per the spell for 10 rounds. 30,000 gp
Potion of Thievery: Causes drinker to get a +25% bonus to Pick Locks, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently and Detect/Disarm Traps for d10 rounds. 50,000 gp
Potion of Resistance - Fire/Water/Earth/Wind Protects the drinker from the relevant element for d10 hours. 30,000 gp Fire - flame, heat, etc. Water - water-based spells, underwater breathing Earth - earth-based spells Wind - weather-based spells.
Potion of Heightened Awareness: Grants a +5 to all sensory-based rolls; spot, search, intelligence, wisdom and constitution are exmaples, for d10 rounds. 40,000 gp
Potion of Alacrity/Celerity/Expedition: Grants increased movement and speed for d5 rounds. 40,00 gp for Alacrity, 60,000 gp for Celerity, 80,000 gp for Expedition. Alacrity: +10 to base speed, +1 attack per round, +1 to dexterity checks. Con -1, immediately after drinking, to stay conscious during the effects, due to the sudden system shock of your body speeding up. Celerity: +20 to base speed, +2 attacks per round, +2 to dexterity checks. Same as above, but at -4. Expedition: +30 to base speed, +3 attacks per round, +3 to dexterity checks. Same as above, but -7
Potion of Accuracy: Negates penalties of called shots for d4 rounds. 50,000 gp
Potion of strength - Hill Giant, Mountain Giant, Storm Giant. Hill: Sets strength to 21. 30,000 gp Mountain: Sets strength to 22. 40,000 gp Storm: Sets strength to 23. 50,000 gp Each lasts for d4 rounds
Potion of Healing, Light/Moderate/Greater. Light: 10d3 healing 10,000 gp Moderate: 10d5 20,000 gp Greater: 10d7 30,000 gp
Potion of Restoration: Grants lesser restoration, as per prayer. 40,000 gp
Potion of Remove Curse: Grants Remove Curse, as per cleric of 10th level. 50,000 gp
Specialty Potions: Potions can be created with one spell with the target of 'caster.' Price is 1,000 gp x Spell Level. Ex: a Level 5 spell costs 50,000 gp to be made into a potion.