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Wargaming has been my hobby since 1975, and my fellow gamers are some of the most decent, intelligent, educated, devious, obsessive, gleefully ferocious ... but I digress ... and fascinating people I have met. I have played quite a few Avalon Hill games as well as Traveller, Champions, Ogre / GEV, DBA / DBM / HoTT, and others, but I now spend most of my time on StarGrunt and Full Thrust, in the Ground Zero Games universe.

The Islamic Federation The Sultanate in 2190

The Islamic Federation is a significant power in the GZG timeline, although not officially described in any great detail. It is militarily powerful but politically fragmented--the emirs strive to gain power and prestige at each other's expense, while the Sultan tries to keep the factions balanced.

The Alarishi Empire Three stars, no planets. One emperor, no taxes...

The Alarishi Empire is a confederation of sovereign colonies, corporations, families, and social experiments, united under a libertarian monarchy and a free-market economy. Entrepreneurs, spies, mercenaries, journalists, businessmen, agents, or people who just want to live on their own rock in their own way--there's something for everyone, and it's usually on sale.

StarGrunt Infantry Combat For Any Science Fiction Setting

The leading squad-level games at the moment are Advanced Squad Leader, Warhammer 40K, and StarGrunt. ASL has a 400 page rulebook to cover the most minute details and aficianados recommend against trying to learn the rules yourself. Warhammer uses high priced Ultra-Troops-of-the-Month in a game using medieval tactics and a dark gothic setting. StarGrunt can be used to game out conflicts from 1900 to 2300 (house rules for a American Civil War variant are being tested). It fits rules for morale, command and control, snipers, vehicles, artillery, aerospace support, treating wounded, interrogating prisoners, sample unit organizations and an optional background setting into seventy pages, and you can use any miniatures you like. Hm....tough choice, eh?

Full Thrust Fleet Action in Deep Space

Ground Zero Games also provides the rules and miniatures for the best wargame I've run across since I started gaming in 1975. If you're only interested in maneuvering your ships and firing your weapons, then it's a good game. It becomes a great game when you realize how many layers of complexity you can delve into. You can learn how to maneuver squadrons and battlegroups to best effect. You can design your ships and develop a fleet structure. You can get into the details of a campaign, complete with economics, shipbuilding, commerce raiding, and strategic resources. Make up your entire background if you like, or use what's in the book, change things to suit yourself. There's a reason this game wins awards like clockwork.


I am, in no particular order, a Christian, a Virginian, a husband and father, an American, a wargamer (no surprise there, eh?), a political conservative, a Presbyterian, a sales account manager, a voracious reader and, probably, a non-player character. I've been gaming since 1975, which means I'm about 40. If you're in the Virginia Beach area and would like to push some lead around the tabletop, let me know.

StarGrunt, Full Thrust, Dirtside, and FMA System are trademarks of Jon Tuffley / Ground Zero Games. Other games, movies and books mentioned on this site are trademarks of or copyrighted by their respective owners. Trademarks are used here without permission and without intent to infringe. Unless otherwise attributed, all other information on this site is copyright 2002 by Chris DeBoe, and permission is granted to reproduce it for personal use.