~*Lamanda's Page*~
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~*Lamanda's Page*~

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My Life

Hello everyone, my name is Lamanda. Next month (October) I'll be 20 years old. Presently I'm living in South Florida. Starting January 2003, I'll start night school at the local community college. At the moment I have no recent pictures of me, however, I have old ones that are not on my page. If you're interested in seeing them send me an email at Lamandalh@aol.com

My Family

I have four sisters and three brothers, all of which are older. My mom is from Jerusalem, the Holy City, so that makes me half Palestinian.. I understand some Arabic, my moms language, more then I speak it but it's all good! My absolute favorite cousin in the whole world is Amanda. I guess you can kind of say, she's my partner in crime.. There are just so many things we have in common it's crazy!

Sports Like...

Atlanta all the way!!! I LOVE the Braves!! That is my team, they are the absolute best! All of the players are good, you don't just have one person whose better than someone else. Everyone contributes to winning!! You don't find a team like that very often! That is the only team and sport I can bear to watch.

My Belief

I believe that we should all follow God in whatever way we feel comfortable. We shouldn't have to listen to people say, Oh you have to do this in order to be seen in God's eyes. Or, if you sin you'll never be forgiven. Or if you don't go to church then God gets angry. You don't have to go to church to show your love for Christ. As long as he is in your heart and you follow him in your own way and try not to sin then you're fine. I pray everynight. I thank him for everyday when I wake up, and I ask for forgiveness when I know I have done something wrong. God loves us all and no matter what we do he'll alwayws be there. I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS! THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING. IT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!


I listen to just about every kind of music there is. From oldies to rock to country. The only thing I can't really stand to hear is heavy metal. My altime favorite artist in the world would have to be Faith Hill! She is by far the most talented one in my opinion.
My Summer Adventure~1999!

The summer of 99' was definetly one of the best I've ever had. I always go to Florida to visit my dad and the rest of the family which usually is boring because there is noone my age down there. My good friend Chi-Chi went with me this particular time! Us together is trouble waiting to happen! (nothing bad) We played pool alot down there while my sister was at work. We went to the mall, several times with my sister Karen and several times by ourself. We saw Big Daddy and Wild Wild West which were cool movies.One weekend we went to Clearwater beach, which was fun because we were catching the waves. I also made my name in the sand which was pretty cool. On July 4th, we went to Busch Gardens. The only down side to that was the fact we didn't see fireworks because the of the wild animals in the park. We also went to Water Mania on July 10th. We were messing with these little kids. Chi-Chi was giving the little boys she DIDN'T know, kisses on the cheeck!! *L* Then they would go get some of there friends so she could kiss them as well! I was going up to these little girls 50 times smaller than me asking them if we could switch bathing suits, because I thought that theirs would look better on me! *L* They would just looked at me like I was crazy! Together me and Chi-Chi would sing, "We're the Champions of the World!" We'd ask people if they were the champions. You'd have to of been there to really appreciate and understand how funny it was. They have this one water surf thing that I got on. You are on a board that you lay on and have to fight the waves. My bathing suit came off, the top half of it anyway and people saw what was there!!! That was so embarassing!! *S* Then they have these tall slides you can go on. My bathing suit went up all the way up in my butt as I was going down. Man that hurt so bad! I would flirt with the life guards, asking them if they had a girlfriend. If they said yes, I'd say, "wanna another one?" It was just a hilarious day! We also visited my sister's friend in Lake Mary, near Sanford, and met these nice guys. We chilled with them for the day. It was so fun! We also went to Flea World with my sister, her husband and his friend, and just because I was talking to him...well trying because he can barely speak english, he thought that I was his girlfriend!! What kind of stuff is that? There was this one Spanish guy who could only speak 4 words tops in english who would always try to get with us. One day we were running short on money so we asked him for some. Surprsingly he gave us $30!! We didn't give him anything in return except for a hand shake!! If he's dumb enough to give it away, I'm smart enough to take it.

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