Peace, beauty, joy, wisdom, caring, love, a guide and hope. Angels walk with us each and everyday. With loving hands, they lead us to accept the wonderful things in our lives, as well as, the sorrow.

I See.......

The soft skin.....

of a newborn child.

The firm warmth.....

of the brown earth.

The light of ten.....

thousand suns.

Precious jewels...

glistening on the water.

The feather touch..

of the winds fingers.

The fragile flowers....

lingering scent.

The hard awesone...


I see you...

I see God...

I see me....

Dedicated to me by my "Compassionate Angel"


"Our angels know us more intimately than our parents, our spouses, or ourselves." "Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an angel.

"Keep your heart open, like the angels; a closed heart can neither give nor receive love!" "Nothing can surprise angels----they have seen it all. Your angel's heartbeat began before the world was created."

I Believe in Angels,
and I know One is
Watching Over You

I know there's an angel
always by your side.

Whether male or female,
it's there to be your guide.

It rejoices with each sunrise,
the beginning of each day,
knowing that you're safe, indeed,
for in God's hands you stay.

And when the evening comes
and the darkness makes its cover,
your angel settles
in the coming night
and above your head it hovers.

Yes, I believe in angels--
you have your very own,
because you are God's special child
and you'll never be alone.

--Barbara Cage

"Let us love the world Peace."......

"Artwork courtesy of and copyright by Daniel B. Holeman, who invites you to visit his visionary art gallery."VISION UNLIMITED"

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Quotes-"Eileen Freeman"