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Our School Garden

"The Rose Garden Christian Academy"

Our family goal is to encourage homeschooling to any family that feels a calling or a burden to begin homeschooling. We felt called to homeschool our children, and it is an exciting, yet scary adventure.

Before the birth of our third child, the Lord dramatically changed our lives. Mom worked in the public school system for eight years teaching Elementary Special Education. Our family's desire was always for Mom to be at home with the children, but we believe that everything good is done in God's timing. God burdened our hearts (what a praise and answered prayer! *smile*)for Mom to stay home full time. It was shortly after this decision that we felt a calling to homeschool. This had never even been given any serious consideration, especially with Mom's background in public education. What an awesome God we serve!

We have 4 children, ages 6, 4, 2, and brand new. We began teaching them using K4 and K2 goals. We are currently teaching our six year old first grade curriculum, our four year old K4 curriculum, and our two year old k2 curriculum.

Please join us in seeing how God is revealing himself to us in this exciting journey that he has called us on. We hope that you will check back often for updates on how homeschooling is changing our lives and strengthening our family.

    Our School at Home

  • God as the Center
  • Setting Up Your Schoolroom
  • Our Daily Routine
  • Schedule and Sample Lesson Plans for K4 and K2
  • Sample Lesson Plans
  • Cutting expenses
  • Curriculum Catalog Links
  • Preschool Goals
  • Feel free to email us for some suggestions.

    God as the Center

    We feel strongly that the Lord has called us to homeschool. While I am sure that this is not the case for every family, we want to share our testimony with you. Mom and Dad are both products of the public school system, and Mom has eight years experience teaching within the public school system. We did not decide on homeschooling because of bad experiences with the public school system. God has called us to this and we are striving to serve him. We feel that God has to be the center of our children's education so that we can, "Train up the child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."Proverbs 22:6

    Our Daily Routine


  • 7:30 -
  • 8:00 -
  • 8:30 -
  • 9:00-
  • 9:30 -
  • 10:00 -
  • 10:30 -

    Sample Lesson Plans

    Listed below is a sample of our lesson plans for one day.

    Cutting Expenses

    Below are some things that you may find helpful to cut costs:

  • Set up your classroom with used things such as file cabinets, dry erase boards, bulletin boards, etc... Check with businesses that are remodeling. They may be throwing these things out.
  • Shop at yardsales. Most of our schoolroom is set up (including curriculum) by things we bought used.
  • Buy used curriculum.
  • Request specific school "wants" or "needs" for gifts at Christmas and Birthdays. Often times, relatives would love to see their gift being used productively.
  • See when your library or local school system is having it's book sale, which often ends in a book give away.
  • Swap curriculum with a friend.
  • Make your own curriculum. Most companies that sell curriculum will send a free scope and sequence to your home which gives you guidelines as to which goals should be covered in a year.
  • Reuse worksheets by covering them with plastic and using erasable crayons.
  • Setting Up Your Schoolroom

    We have found that a few things are very helpful to have in our classroom. We have two file cabinets, one bulletin board, one dry erase board, one student desk, and a small children's table that we use for art projects. We also have use of our dining room table (since the dining room became our schoolroom.) Many of our instructional charts are homemade. The few things that were purchased from a local teaching store (the border for the bulletin board and the calendar set) have been laminated to protect them over time.

    View Previous week's crafts

Helpful Homeschooling Links

Home School Legal Defense Association
This will give you the information on homeschooling in your state.

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