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Mikey Whipwreck

Real Name:John Watson

Height:5'11 Weight:245

Pro Debut: 1994

Titles Held: ECW World Heavyweight Title, ECW Tv Title 3 times, 3 time ECW World Tag Team Champion *Twice with Cactus Jack and once with Yoshihiro Tajiri*

In 1993 John Watson was tooling around the independents as a part of the tag team the Young Dragons under a mask.The 18 year old kid who had just graduated from wrestling school under Sonny Blaze was still wet behind the ears as he made his way into then Eastern Championship Wrestling with his partners.But when ECW Executive Producer Paul Heyman and then Owner Tod Gordon seen Watson doing High Spots in the arena ring just goofing off after setting it up with the ring crew heyman seen promise in the young kid.2 weeks later John Watson or as he was called then Dragon #1 became the underdog, the loser, the wrestling school reject so to speak.Mikey Whipwreck was born.Now as mikey he didnt exactly set the wrestling world on fire , it was the complete opposite, he would take a tremendous beating by every opponent he ever set foot into the ring with.The lovable loser as he was called lost match after match until one night when he pulled off a major upset.When Mikey faced Pitbull # 1 for the world TV title in 1994 nobody expected Taz to interfere in the match,after suplexing Gary Wolfe out of his boots Mikey Rolled over and pinned him.The ECW arena went nuts,Joey Styles didnt have enough Oh My Gods in his vocabularly to describe what had just happend.Mikey then relized what just happend, he went nuts he actually tried to give the belt back to.From then on every title defense mikey would have he would try to give the belt to his opponent,saying his mother didnt want him to have the belt.Jason Knight would later would later beat MIkey for the belt when the Pitbulls got there revenge But the best and the weirdest was about to come.Cactus Jack had just left WCW and had entered into ECW and had started a bloody fued with Terry Funk.One night in the ECW arena Funk and Cactus were waging yet another bloody war when then ECW world tag team champions The Public Enemy attacked leading to the now world infamous chair incident.The match was set for the next ECW arena show, Cactus and The Funker vs The Public Enemy for the belts.But due to a flight miscue on the funkers part and his impending tour of japan with the IWA missed the event,Cactus was without an partner.That night Cactus told the ECW arena crowd he had a partner,as his music played Cactus went behind the curtain and minutes later he literally dragged a kicking and screaming Mikey Whipwreck to the ring.Mikey wanted no part of the PE, so Cactus carried most of the match until Flyboy Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge started pummeling Jack, the 3 men brawled into the crowd Mikey flew out of the ring and to the back stage area.Most thought never to be seen again, not so,back came mikey with a weapon,a peice of aluminum siding,Mikey waffled both memebers of PE only to be hit with the drive by though a table, cactus came back in and knocked out Johnny Grunge with a chair, and Mikey rolled over on grunge for the win.All hell broke loose in the ECW arena, not only had Mikey Whipwreck and Cactus Jack just one the world tag team titles the same night ECW became Extreme,but Mikey Whipwreck had finally established himself as a superstar.

The Cactus/Mikey vs Public Enemy fued was on as they waged war all over ECW,again Mikey claimed his mother didnt like him haveing the belt and was afriad he would get hurt, Cactus explained life to his partner and gave him the confidence to actually fight the Public Enemy.But PE would regain the belts back.The upset kid went into a series of fueds with wrestlers such as PitBull number 1 among others.Then came the fued that would make mikey a star.The Sandman was terrorizing ECW as the world heavyweight champion,any and all challengers that would come after the beer swilling anti hero would fall to the wrath of the singapore cane.In and earlier match with mikey he nearly busted his eardrum with one of the cane shots.It was a different more aggressive Mikey Whipwreck that he met in the rematch at the ECW arena.But every time u thought that mikey had him , woman would interfere or Sandman would bounce back.When Sandman missed with what would have been a brutal cane shot, mikey hit his new finisher The Whippersnapper (which would later be used by Stone Cold Steve Austin and renamed the Stunner)and rolled on top of the sandman for the win.Again the ECW arena and the wrestling world was in shock as the loser from Buffalo NY had shocked the world once again, Mikey Whipwreck wasnt a loser anymore, he was the new ECW World Heavyweight champion!! The Sandman vowed revenge although he sorta admired Mikeys guts and new found determination,but the real fued had just started.Steve Austin had just been fired from WCW and had signed with ECW, and one night before yet another upset of the sandman in a ladder match Austin showed up and took shots at both men, clamin g that since he was the only true superstar in ECW now that he deserved to face the winner, after flipping off both men and running off with sandmans manager WOMAN,Austin hit the ring after the match and bloodied both men even further with a steel chair giving The Sandman yet another sever concussion ,Mikey vowed revenge as 2 weeks later he faced off with the future Stone Cold in the ECW arena,in a pure brawl that ended up even going out into the highway beside the ECW arena and seen Austin try to throw Mikey off of the eagles nest 20 feet to the concrete below.But Mikey Cuaght Austin when the Sandman came out to run in the match with the whippersnapper and pinned the future WWF champion,THATS RIGHT YOU READ THAT RIGHT JACKASSES, MIKEY WHIPWRECK BEAT STEVE AUSTIN.

November 10th 1995, The ECW arena November To Remember 95, not only would this night see the return of SABU to ECW, not only would this night see the one of the most violent tag matches of all time between Raven and Cactus Jack vs Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk.This night would witness the most hyped and talked about 3 way dance for the ECW world heayweight title as Mikey Whipwreck Defended against Steve Austin and The Sandman!!!!!! In yet another brawl the 3 beat each other half to death all over the ECW arena.Austin and Sandman ganged up on Mikey though and eliminated him just as soon as he made it back to the ring,The Sandman went on to beat Austin for the World title.2 Cold Scorpios World televison title would become Mikeys next challenge.As Mikey and Scorp would swap the belt back and forth a few times towards the end of the year going into the start of 1996.But a weird stipulation would bring mikey into a interesting situation.The Sandman had just turned face(good guy)and along with 2 Cold Scorpio won the world tag team titles,Scorpio also had just beaten Mikey to win the world tv title,in the rematch in Queens NY between whipwreck and scorpio WOMAN who had started to turn on the Sandman made a stipulation that if Whipwreck won the match he would not win the televsion title but would win both world tag team titles and would be forced to pick a partner of his choice that night.Mikey squeaked out a win although there was no interference by Sandman or Woman.Mikey didnt even have enough time to pick a partner before Cactus Jack came out and took the other end of the belts to not only Mikeys disguist but all the fans in the madhouse of extreme.They would later go on to lose the belts to the pitbulls later on.Cactus Jack was on his way to becoming Mankind in the WWF, but before he done this he had to deal with the up set kid himself.Cactus bullied mikey continuously but when Cactus got in trouble it was Mikey who he called on to bail him out.One night in the ECW arena Cactus finally got some help from Mikey in a match with the returning Shane Douglas.Douglas was dead set on making Cactus renouce the WWF and stay in ECW he handcuffed the hardcore legend to the top rop and began beating on him unmerciously with a chair, every time douglas would shove the mic in jacks face and ask him to renouce the mcmahons,he wouls scream MIKEY HELLLLLLLLLLPPPPP!!!! Mikey finally came out but not to help jack he picked up the chair and instead of swining left to help jack he swung right and hit cactus.The stage was set, it would be Mikey Whipwreck vs Cactus Jack in the ECW arena.In what was called a classic, the 2 set to tear each other a new bunghole at Big Ass Extreme Bash 96.But as much of a fight that Mikey put up it wasnt enough as Cactus Jack defeated Mikey in his last ECW apperance.Cactus and Mikey Hugged then Jack went out of ECW in grand fashion.

It was now the summer of 1996 and Mikey had started sort of a respect fued with SABU.The 2 engaged in all out brawls and supurb technical matches.They also teamed up on a few occsions to take on the eliminators for the number one contendership to the world tag team titles,but they never got a shot at The Gangstas.Mikey would drift in and out of no story line hell for a while, although he had one hell of a match at the November to Remember 96 with Louie Spicoli that earned him a shot at Shane Douglas's World TV title.Knee Problems started to plauge Mikey in this match as the ruthless Franchise worked over the already injured knee and put Mikey out for a long time.He missed the first 2 ECW PPVs Barely Legal and Hardcore Heaven.But by the time he came back a new challenge was waiting in young upstart Punk Justin Credible.In there first match Mikey upset the so called new superstar only to be attacked after the match.This started a war that seen Mikey get a win over Credible every time they stepped into the ring with each other,including a win at the 1997 November To Remember PPV.But it was in his hometown of Buffalo NY that Mikey would reinjure himself,the ruthless Credible wedged a chair in between Mikey knee and his shin bone jumped off the top rope onto the leg nearly crushing the bone then hitting it with a chair.Mikey Whipwreck now had a blown out knee and a paritally cracked shin bone.He would sit out the rest of 97 and most of 98.We didnt see Mikey again until the Living Dang erouly 98 PPV when he ran in well he sorta limped in to help Tommy Dreamer in his match against Justin Credible hitting the whippersnapper on Credible and Nicole Bass both.Just as soon as they hit the ECW arena all hell broke loose again but this time Justins entourge helped him beat the returning Whipwreck. As always every time he or for that matter anyone would get the advantage on justin , Jason or Chasity would jump in on the match and cost him.Justin Credible would have the last laugh but barely at Wrestle poolooza 98 against Mikey,catching a break by reversin Mikeys version of Thats Incredible.Credible won this war but barely.The FBI had challenged any 3 men in ECW to try to take there unnofical 6 man tag belts away from them.Axl Rotten,Balls Mahoney and Mikey took them up on the challenge taking the FBI apart.Jerry Lynn would become the next challenge in a series of matches that are actually still talked about to this day.But in a match between Mikey and lance storm at the ECW arena a yet another strange occurance took place.just as a cat fight started between Dawn Marie and Tammy Lynn Sytch, Jerry Lynn hit the ring and attacked storm who had inadvertadly hit lynn in his match with Chris Candido.OK here is where it gets wierd, Candido hits the ring and pulls out some powder Mikey holds Storm, Storm moves and Mikey gets powder in the eyes,Storm knocks out candido with a chair then hits lynn.Tammy goes to check on mikey and gets the whippersnapper for her troubles.This confusing situation set up a match where Jerry Lynn would take on Lance Storm in a match where both Mikey Whipwreck and Tammy Stych would be the special reffere.The match was excellent but the same weird situation took place as Mikey was blinded by powder again by sytch and was whippersnapperd, but Dawn Marie got a whippersnapper just for the hell of it, but mikey still blinded hit a ddt on a chair helping storm get the win.Storm tried to get Mikey to join forces with him against Jerry Lynn, it didnt work and Storm ruthlessly attacked Mikey.Just as the 3 way dance between the 3 was set up,Mikey whos contract had just went up with ECW had a dispute with ECW management, 2 weeks later Mikey Whipwreck left ECW and signed with WCW.The upset kid from buffalo was gone from ECW.

After setting out 2 months he mad his WCW debut at Uncensored 99 against Billy Kidman,the match stole the show now in some setting Mikey would be commended for this but in WCW basically haveing a good match on the undercard is a sin and Mikey was shifted along with his ECW counterhort The Sandman, then Hardcore Hak who was having good matches with Bam Bam Bigelow and Raven,to mid card hell as they were both put in the ill faded Hardcore division.But then those geniuses at WCW made a desicion, they kept Mikey who was having some absolutly great matches with both Raven and Hak off the road and off WCW tv only bringing him back for the Bash at The Beach PPV and then sending him home once again.Mikey had enough and asked for his release in august of 99.WCW again being geniuses though about it for at least 2 months and then finally gave it to both Whipwreck and Hak, eeirely enough 3 days after Raven walked out of WCW at Nitro.1 month later Mikey Whipwreck made his return to the place where he became a star, the ECW arena.His first night back he faced the world heavyweight champion Mike Awesome, Mikey took a hell of a beating and lost.Again Mikey waverd in and out of mid card staus basically because he had just come back, but then it happend. Frustrated he couldnt get a break anymore Mikey started going nuts, he became a uncontrollable madman nobody could controll mikey even though he lost match after match.Until he ran into his savior, well maybe more of a devil in the Sinister Minister. The minister brought out the mean and the agressive in Mikey, and Mikey became a pyromaniac, as he would set every thing he seen on fire even the seat of his managers pants!!!!! The FBI,namely Big Sal Graziano got mad at both Mikey and the minister after Minister kept making fat jokes about Sal,when sal and Guido went to attack Sinister Minisiter, Mikey threw a huge fire ball at Sal and hit the whippersnapper on Guido.Mikey went to war with the FBI to the piont where he would interject himself into all of Guidos matches,even ruing his chances at win in a 3 way dance at Heatwave 2000 against Tajiri and Psicosis,making it a 4 way dance.Mikey would soon join forces with the japanese Buzzsaw to combat all 3 members of the FBI.It even lead to mikey bringing out a new toy in the FABULOUS FLAMING STICK OF DOOM!!!!!!!!! A basball bat lit on fire.The 2 teams took there fued into the ECW tag team tournament, with the duo of Whipwreck and Tajeri eliminating the FBI then going in in the finals and winning in the 3 way dance between Them,Jerry Lynn and Tommy Dreamer, and Simon Diamond and Swinger.Tajiri and Mikey would go to win the match and the Tag Tournament making Mikey a 3 time co holder of the belts.Only to lose them the next night to The FBI in a rematch.