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Real Name:Jerry Lynn

Height:6' Weight:212

Pro Debut: 1988

Titles Held:None

The Man that would become the New FN Show made his professional debut in 1988 after graduating from Brad Reignins wrestling school in his home state of Minnesota along side such future stars as Sean Waltman (X-Pac) and Devon Storm (Crowbar)among others.Lynn would go on later to fued with The lighting Kid (X-Pac) all over the independent circuit.After paying his dues on the independents and more than a few tours of Japan with Michinoku Pro Wrestling and DDT(Dynamic Dream Team),Lynn caught his big break in 1995 when he signed with World Championship Wrestling.At the time WCW was assembleing its Crusierweught divsion and was scouring the world for the top atheletes,after seeing Lynn wrestle for New Japan Pro Wrestling with his partner at the time Devon Storm WCW signed him imedatly but in another one of there so called strokes of genius they put Lynn under a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers like suit and renamed him Mr JL.Lynn was matched up with the best in the world like Rey Misterio JR,Dean Malenko,Psicosis but fell short in most of these matches,but it was in a match with Billy Kidman at a Clash of the Champions in 1996 when the 2 were scolded for having the best match on the card that Lynn knew it was time to leave Atlanta and go else where.So for the next year and a half Lynn would tough it out on the Indy Circut and Japan again waitng for the next big break to come.It came in June of 1997, the WWF had seen Jerry in the Super 8 Tournament and called Lynn up to partic ipate in there lightheavyweight tournament.If they liked the way he worked they would offer him a contract.But fate interviend on the same night he faced Ace Darling in the 2nd round of the tournament was one of the nights that ECW invaded RAW to promote there 2nd PPV Hardcore Heaven 97.It was there that Lynn and Paul Heyman made an agreement and Jerry Lynn turned down the WWFs offer of a Developmental Contract to wrestle for ECW.

Lynns first ECW match was against oddly enough his former Partner from Japan,Devon Storm.He tagged on and off with former member of the Fantastics Tommy Rogers,but it was when he teamed with a young Pj Walker one night in Falls River Mass would Lynn come face to face to the man who would later become his worst ememy,Jason Knight had just retruned to ECW after breaking his neck a year earlier,that night he came to the ring,after scouting the team for weeks,whisperd something and Walkers ear and he then turned on Lynn and left him at the mercy of PG-13.Walker went on 3 weeks later to become Justin Credible.The 2 fueded on and off until Lynn fell to Credible at the ECW arena.Lynn fell into Middle of the card hell for a while with only a few big matches such as he and Chris Chettis upset victory over former ECW world tag team champions The Full Blodded Italians, that got them a shot at the Champs at the time, Lance Storm and Chris Candido.In the summer of 98 Lynn and his new enemy Justin Credible go there chances to shine as Lynn and the young upstart punk squared off in a series of incredible matches leading to a awesome match between the 2 at the Heatwave 98 PPV that some how Credible barely one.The next challenge would be the upset kid Mikey Whipwreck.The 2 would trade victories back and forth, but a strange set of circumstances between he and Whipwreck would lead Lynn into a fued with a man who would become another one of his biggest adversaries,Lance Storm.In a match between Lynn and Chris Candido in the ECW arena Storm charged the ring and missed Candido with a chair shot,he ended up hitting Jerry Lynn.In came Mikey to help Lynn,Mikey gets powder in the eyes by accident, hits Tammy Sytch with the whippersnapper ,Dawn Marie then gets the Whippersanpper, Storm attacks Mikey,Lynn finally gets up to hit storm with a chair, Storm ducks and he hits Mikey.Leading to a classic match at the 1998 November To Remember between Storm and Lynn with Mikey an Tammy Sytch as special guest refferees,it was a high flying technical battle that seen all the stops be pulled out but Storm got the win when once again Mikey was blinded and Whippersnappered Lynn.Everything was set in place for a series of 3 way dances between the 3 but it never happend,Mikey Whipwreck would end up leaving ECW for WCW in late December and Lynn broke 3 ribs in a match with Storm.Jerry would end up staying out till febuary of 99.When he came back ECW officails decided that Lynn had enough talent to be pushed into the main event, but against who?? well after a match at the ECW arena against Rob Van Dam they got there answer.Jerry Lynn was the only man in the ECW locker room that could take RVD to the limit and put on the best matches ever with him. SO ECW set up the match for the Living Dangerously 99 PPV for the world TV title, RVD vs Jerry Lynn the hype for the match was tremendous, the 2 would face off every time they were in a arena with each other it didntget really heated until RVD interferred in Lynns match with his partner SABU.A animosity finally developed between the 2 going to the match.At Living Dangeroulsy 99 RVD and Jerry Lynn lived up and even exceded every bit of hype built around that match.The match went to a 30 minute time limit Draw with Lynn dominating the last 5 minutes of the match.The Asbury Park,NJ crowd begged for 5 more minutes they got it.They went at least 5 more minutes in the match but RVD hit the van daminator from the top rope and then the 5 star frog splash for the 3 rd time that night for the win.Jerry Lynn had just taken RVD to and over his limit, he was now a star.

The debate went on if there were 10 more minutes of that match could Jerry Lynn have taken the TV title from RVD,finally after all that speculation the match was made,a no time limit there must be a winner match between the 2 at Hardcore Heaven 99.The match was even better than the last match at LD99.It went over 45 minutes and seen Lynn suffer a broken nose and a mild conussion after taking a nasty spill out to the floor folowing a spin kick from RVD.And Lynn powerpomb RVD from the apron through a table!!!.RVD eventually one the match at the 54 minute mark. It was labled the match of the year by most critics.But after the match The Impact Players started making threats that they would be the ones to dethrone RVD of the world TV title.This pissed Jerry Lynn off,Storm and Credible at every turn would attack RVD, when lynn would come to the rescue he would end up not only jumping the IP but jumping RVD as well.Lynn thought it was his destiny to hand RVD his first loss in over a year and a half and he wasnt gonna let 2 upstart punks take that away from him.So he unwillingly joind forces with Van Dam at Heatwave 99 to take on the impact players.The match was a high flying brawl that seen RVD and Lynn shut the mouth of the brash Impact Players.But also seen RVD and Lynnhave a falling out at the end of the match and SABU after beating the hell out of Justin Credible once again pic a fight with both men.RVD and Lynn would go on to have yet another match to settle the score on the 3rd episode of ECW on TNN, in yet another classic that took both men to the limits of EXTREME the Impact Players would run in and attack both men.Setting up a match between Lynn and Storm at Anarchy Rulz 99.Lynn and Storm waged war once again at AR but Storm some how egdged out a victory by stealing Lynns own Cradle Piledriver.Lynn had once again injured his ribs in the match after staying out for a while Lynn came back only to face ridicule by The King Of Old School Steve Corino.During a Pulp Fiction segment Corino accused Lynn of being a crybaby Lynn got pissed and said into the camera he wasnt taking crap off an asshole like him.He went looking for corino only to be jumped just as soon as he opened Corinos locker room door by Tajiri.Then Super Crazy came into the picture,every time Crazy would come to bail Lynn out Tajiri would blind Lynn with the green mist and Lynn would usually thinking he was Tajiri he would hit the cradle piledriver on crazy.The match was signed for the 1999 November To Remember a 3 way dance,Jerry Lynn vs Tajiri vs Super Crazy.It was a awesome match that seen seen Lynn beat not only both Crazy and Tajiri but take out Steve Corino, the fues went on with every one thinking Jerry Lynn and Tajiri were in cahoots.It was at the 2000 Guilty as Charged that we found out the truth when ECW paired up Tajiri and Crazy vs Lil Guido and Lynn in a tag match.Just as soon as Lynn had the win for his team Corino jumped Lynn and Tajiri hit one of his dangerous Kicks on him.Crazy jumped Tajiri and Lil Guido attacked Lynn.All hell broke loose in this exchange a 3 way dance was signed betweek Lynn,Guido and Tajiri that Tajiri won.Then it happend,after years of abuse on his ankles Jerry snapped his ankle in half during a match with Lil Guido at the ECW arena in march.Lynn would stay out for over 3 months rehabbing the injury.When he came back what happens, he didnt go after Guido,he went after the man that also was returning the same night he was, Mr PPV Rob Van Dam.Cyrus had just denied RVD his chance to go after Rhino s TV title and signed a match between he and Lynn for Hardcore Heaven.Critics had said that Lynn couldnt beat RVD and that it was RVD not Jerry Lynn who helped carry ECW in the tough times they were having.Now a even more agressive and pissed off Jerry Lynn came down and told RVD his ass was his.The match went down at Hardcore Heaven 2000 it actually topped al the other matches the 2 have had, but when RVD was ready to hit the 5 star frog splash out came RVDs best friend Scotty Anton.He pushes RVD off the rope, Lynn hits the Cradle Pile Driver on top of a chair for the win.Jerry Lynn finally became the first person to hand RVD a loss in over 2 years.But what he didnt know is he had help from the network.

Rumors started floating around that lynn was in cahoots with the network,no matter how much he denied it Cyrus would back it up.Every time ECW would end up battleing the network out would come Jerry Lynn and he would do nothing.Finally we found out the truth as Jerry Lynn battled Justin Credible for the ECW world Title on TNN.When Lynn had just disposed of Francine after beating Credible to a bloddy pulp out came Corino and the network after acting like they were ready to hit Credible, Corino hits Lynn with a cowbell,Credible hits Thats Incredible for the win.The line had been drawn and it was time for a fight,at Heatwave 2000 Jerry Lynn painted the walls of the Grand Olympic Auditorim with Steve Corinos Blood.Even writing the word DIE on his chest with his blood.That act of Violence among others got Jerry Lynn a shot at Justin Credible at Anarchy Rulz 2000 in his hometown of Minnieapolis,Minnesota.The match was one of the most intense in ECW history,for weeks Justin Credible hounded Lynn at every turn.They would brawl in ever arena the 2 were in.THen Steve Corino enterd the picture.COrino had just turned face, and at ECWs 2 night run at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Mahattan NY came closer than anyone even Lynn to taking the belt from Credible.He then demanded he be given the match at Anarchy Rulz. Corino was still mad about the match at Heatwave 2000, he got his revenge 2 weeks before the PPV when he elimiated Lynn from a 3 way dance at ECWs first Canadian apperacne against Justin Credible. ,but ECW officails decided to put Corino in a number 1 contenders match and Lynn in the main event. THe minnesota crowd and millions watching on Pay Per View witnessed one of the greatest ECW world title matches in history as Jerry Lynn took Justin Credible to the EXTREME.The 2 fought like dogs Lynn fought off Francines attempt to help Credible win the match,but then it happend.Turncoat Reffere Danny Daniels who had a personal problem with Jerry Lynn came in to sub for and Injured HC Loc.Jerry had Credible beat then Daniels came in to make the count only to stop at 2 and flip Lynn off. He was furious and went to hit the cradle piledriver on Daniels only to be stopped by Credible. Daniels was determined to screw Lynn just like he did RVD eariler in the night.Then all hell broke loose,the man who was originaly shcheduled to reffere the match showed up.The Original Gangsta NEW JACK!!!!! He charged the ring hit both Creidble and Daniels with Bread Pans and was about to use his Cicle on the turncoat ref until Justin Credible caned New Jack and used his own Staple gun against him,Lynn got up tried to his Thats Incredible,Justin reversed it,then New Jack came back with a thrust to the throat,Lynn reversed it, hit a cradle tombstone Pile Driver on Credible for the win.JERRY LYNN HAS FINALLY DONE IT HE CAME THROUGH IN THE BIG ONE,JERRY LYNN IS THE NEW FN WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!