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In ECW there is one man that embodies the spirit of HARDCORE,one man that has more guts than any wrestler alive today. And that man is TOMMY DREAMER

Real Name:Tom Laughlin

Height:6'2 Weight:265

If it had not been for Tommys grandfather actually, Tommy Dreamer would not exist.His grandfater gave him the money to go to wrestling school at the age of 19.He was trained by Johnny Rodz, who also trained fellow ECW wrestler TAZ, and idolized as many have in wrestling ,the legendary Terry Funk.But he wasnt the innovator of violence back then.Really when he started in 1989 he was far from it.Tommy toured the indepenedent circuit for about 5 years before he made it to Eastern Championship Wrestling.He quickly made a name for himself as he became the first man in wrestling history to kick out of SUPERFLY Jimmy Snuka s top rope splash in new york one night that gave him sort of a reputation as a tough guy.

He quickly became one half of the ECW tag team champs with Johnny Gunn(Tom Brandi AKA Salvatore Sincere), but when Gunn got injured Shane Douglas replaced him and then double crossed him in a match against The Public Enemy costing him the belts.A brief fued with Stevie Richards and a big push in the company brought him into a BITTER fued with the SANDMAN, that seen him earn the Knickname , THE INNOVATOR OF VIOLENCE when he went BERZERK one night and delivered a shot to the eye with his own cane he nearly put the sandmans eye out.Of course Dreamer won in the end and this would propell him into the most violent fued in wrestling history with RAVEN.In 1995, Stevie Richards, started his old fued up with Dreamer, but this time richards said he had some back up in his hero Scott Levy. Levy , upon his arrival in the new EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING, changed his name once again to RAVEN and he bacame the cold self loaving figure we know today.The angle was that Dreamer and Raven once fueded when they were kids in a summer camp, they fought for the love of ravens girlfriend, Beulah Mcgillicuty.


She was brought in as a destraction for dreamer,and done one hell of a job of it, one minute you would think that she was falling in love with dreamer then only to have her kick him in the family jewels. But when Beulah faked a pregancy to get out of Ravens nest and blamed it on tommy, the fued only got worse.A even more violent raven took his anger out on both tommy and beulah, he went as far as actually crucifing dreamer at the top of the ECW arena, and then doing the same to the Sandman for trying to help Tommy.But Tommy finally won the heart of beulah after he saved her from and attack by RAVEN.But then strange things started to happen at House Party 96 .Dreamer inlisted the help of Shane Douglas to fight Raven, but after douglas revealed a LESBIAN relationship between Beulah and Kimona Wannalayu, he turned on dreamer, of course this was around the time that douglas acquired the services of Francine.But Dreamer took both of them, but later to have Kimona turn and go back to RAVEN

Raven then won the world title away from Douglas with the help of Brian Pillman, knowing that dreamer was the one man that could take that belt away from him, raven inlisted the services of Brian Lee and the Bruise Brothers to keep Dreamer out of his hair , and they done a damn good job, nearly killing dreamer.It go so bad that Dreamer inlisted the help of his mentor and idol and new father figure Terry Funk to help him .This fued seen some very memorble moments in ECW history like the night that Dreamer put Lee through a wooden door at the ECW arena, or when LEE choke slammed Dreamer through 4 Tables of the top of a 20 ft balcony

. They even took turns hitting each other in the head with concrete blocks one night!!!!.The fued ended with the now infamous HIGH INCIDENT scaffold match between LEE and DREAMER at the ECW arena, that seen him throw lee off a 35 feet high scaffold into a stack of about 6 tables in 1996.Lee joined Shane Douglas and Chris Candido to reform the Triple Threat,Dreamer inlisted the help of the Pitbulls and evntually the Fued ended as Dreamer asked his Mentor and Father Figure Terry Funk to come out of retirement one more time to help him fight Lee and Shane Douglas at November To Remember 96.

As 1997 rolled around, a new fued started when Raven sicked the late Louie Spicoli on dreamer, but he made short work of him.Dreamer passed up his chance at glory by stepping down from his spot in the 3 way dance for a shot at Ravens world title at the First ECW ppv Barley Legal, and gave it to TERRY FUNK, that seen funk win the title away from raven with an assist from tommy of course.This lead to the final match between Dreamer and Raven , the loser leaves ECW match at Wrestlepolooza 97 that Dreamer won.But just when he thought that he was out of the fire that same night he and all of ECW was attacked by Jerry Lawlers anti ECW movement of Rob Van Dam and SABU .It lead into the whole ECW vs WWF vs USWA fued that seen Dreamer defend the honor of ECW on WWF,USWA, and ECW turf.And eventually the end of the Memphis,TN based USWA promotion.This bitter fued seen him beat lawler half to death at Hardcore Heaven 97 and the fued lasted until the end of the summer at Heatwave 97 when he and TAZ(subbing for an injured SANDMAN)finally beat RVD and Lawler in a cage at the ECW arena, Van Dam and Sabu would go on to stay in ECW after lawler abandoned them in fear of another beating from Dreamer,Sandman,and TAZ.But after all that the matter of one Rob Van Dam was still there.So at the November To Remember 97 PPV Dreamer and RVD were involed in a Bloody Capture the Flag Match ,with the stipulations being if RVD won Dreamer had to Leave ECW and wraped in a WWF banner.Dreamer eventually won the interference filled match that seen WWF stars Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon ,SABU and a returning Stevie Richards attack Dreamer in the end.Dreamer and Sandman ran Furnas and Lafon out of ECW bu helping Lance Storm and Chris Candido beat them for the ECW Tag Team belts and ended the fued with RVD at the ECW arena in a Weapons match at Holiday Hell 97

In the begining of 1998, Dreamer would end up getting into a fight for respect with young upstart PUNK, Justin Credible. Credible went as so far as insulting Dreamers dead Grandfather during a salute to him lead by the Sandman in Buffalo, this fued didnt last long as he quickly beat Credible into a bloody pulp in several first blood matches and a revenge match at Living Dangerously 98.Dreamer and Sandman, got into a WHOS MORE HARDCORE fued with the dudleys that seen the Duds nearly break both the necks of the he and sandman. And he watched helplessly as the dudleys broke both Tommys heart and the neck of beulah. For the first time in 3 years he didnt have Beulah at his side.

Sandman and Dreamer disposed of the dudleys in a series of STAIRWAY TO HELL barbed wire matches and a DUDLEYVILLE STREETFIGHT at Heatwave 98, but after that PPV Dreamer not only would he get into a Violent fued with Jack Victory he would lose his best friend The Sandman to WCW. So in a urge to have someone to pick on and to rub it in, Justin Credible unmercifally caned the hell out of dreamer in september of 98 ,Credible mocked the sandman, the fued started again between Credible and Dreamer. This lead to a mystery partner match at the November to Remember PPV.Everyone thought that Dreamer would pick his mentor and Idol, Terry Funk, but Funk wanted to be left alone, or so it seemed.But when Funk turned on dreamer because of his selection of Jake The Snake Roberts for a partner, and aligned himself with Justin,It broke Tommys heart eventually the situation between Funk and Dreamer wasnt settled cause if Funk having to go into retirement because of a illness.But the fued with Creidble and now Lance Storm got even hotter as they prompted Tommy to team with Shane Douglas over who was the Franchise of ECW, only for the impact players to run Shane Douglas out of ECW leaving Dreamer and Francine alone with no help,then during a match with Lance Storm at Hardcore Heaven 99 2 dics in his lower back poped and bulged up to the piont that he was nearly paralysed.Dreamer lost that match and had to be carreid to the back by ECW security.Afterwards doctors told him that if he didnt get surgery he risked pernamant injury or maybe even having to live the rest of his life in a wheel Chair.Everyone told Tommy to give it up, but he didnt, Tommy went into the most intense physical therapy of his life to try to correct the problem,but nothing helped.So at Heat Wave 99 it was speculated that Tommy would finally listen to his doctors and retire from wrestling.During a heart felt speech to the packed crowd in dayton he was nearly driven to tears until Steve Corino came out and interupted the whole thing.The Loudmouth King Of Old School insutled the innovator of violence and Francine by asking Dreamer to lay down and let him pin him.Of Course Tommy didnt and proceded 2 hernated discs and all to kick Corinos ass all over Dayton till Tajri and Rhino came to the rescue and tried to injure Dreamer even further.If not for TAZ Tommy Dreamer would have been taken to the hospital that night

It was gut check time then and ignoring the advice of his peers tommy laced up the boots one more time and went back at it.Fighting Corino at any chance he got, then came the day that Tommy and for that matter no body in the ECW will forget.During first ECW on TNN taping at the madhouse of extreme in Queens NY The Dudley Boyz who were WWF bound and had just defeated Balls Mahoney and Spike Dudley for their 8th ECW world tag team titel regin called out Dreamer and said they were gonna destroy ECW by destoying there flag bearer.After a verbal assualt the inculded a few low blows about Dreamers former manager Beulah, Dreamer had heard enough and charged the ring and was overwhelemed by The Dudleys,but Tommy nearly crawling around the ring put up a good fight until Buh Buh Ray hit him with his own ladder.It lookd grim for Tommy and ECW both, but then out of now where came the man that nobody expected to help Tommy or for that matter ECW.RAVEN made his shocking return to ECW by DDTing Buh Buh Ray and Tommmy doing the same to D-Von, to win the World Tag Team titles.Finally Dreamer was a world champion but with the man he hated more tan anything in the world ast his partner RAVEN.It was the match made in hell.The only thing keeping th ese 2 togheter was that they were obligated to defend the belts,anytime Tommy was in trouble Raven came in to help and vice versa, but when th belts werent on the line, Raven wouldnt do a thing to help him actually Raven would Run in and DDT tommy so that he could loose a match.But as a tag team nobody could beat these 2.Enter Justin Credible and Lance Storm The ImpPact Players

Dreamers long standing war with these 2 came back to haunt him after the Anarchy Rulz PPV when Credible and Storm attacked him and Francine on TNN this brought out RAVEN who wasnt that willing to help but after being jumped from behind by Justin Credible things changed drastically.A pact was made and both me vowed that even though they hated each other they were not gonna let these 2 run roughshot over them like they had done everyone else.But the players were playing every trick in the book to stir the pot and get these 2 pissed at each other.And most of the time it worked to the piont where Raven would leave the aporn of the ring and site at ring side until he wanted to go in.This didnt stand well with Dreamer who finally had enough and had to go get help.The help he found was in the one and only EXTREME ICON of ECW The Sandman.Dreamer brought The Sandman back to ECW at the ECW arena the week before the Novemvber To Remember 99 PPV,during a match with the Impact Players , they had Dreamer and Raven beat by using the help of there new partner RHINO,Then the lights went off, ENTER Sandman blared over the arena speakers for the first time in years the lights come up and there he was.Sandman cleaned house ,but this didnt stand well with Raven who took Dreamer bringing him back as a insult,but somehow Raven pressed on and made a deal with Dreamer, if Dreamer kept Sandman from beating Raven to death he would remain loyal to him.It worked and Raven kept his word.But it cost Dreamer as he was playing mind games with Francine.

Dreamer,Sandman and Raven reluctatnly teamed up to face The Impact Players and RHINO at November to Remember 99.This seen Raven break his word to Dreamer and hit sandman over the head with is own cane to cause them to lose.But Raven again used Francine to keep Dreamer cool.Finally The Impact Players stopped toying with them and got serious on Christmas Eve on ECW, they used a diversion to get Dreamer out of the way tied Raven to the entrance way and caned him unmercalously.Guess who Raven Blamed for it.Thats right Tommy Dreamer.The stage was set for Guilty as Charged 2000.Dreamer and Raven Defended the tag team titles against The Impact Players in a total brawl. The match ended when justin credible tried to hit Francine with the cane at the end to break up a cat fight,but Raven pushed her out of the way and took the shot and lost the match.All hell proceded to break loose as Francine then began spending more time with Raven than tommy, so much that when Francine would get hurt during the course of a match Raven would levae his partner and go attend to Francine.Fed up with this Dreamer confronted Raven with this deal,Raven and Francine denied every thing.But one night on TNN that would all change.In a match against Mikey Whipwreck Tommy was jumped buy The Impact Players once again, this brought out Raven, but then James Vandenburg came to the ring, handed Mikey some powder to throw at Tommy , Dreamer seen it coming and ducked,it hit raven , he was blinded and DDTed the first thing he came into contact with, unfotunatly that person just happend to be Francine.Tommy was incensed and started beating on Raven, the war was back on but the consequences were shocking.The nest week Francine confronted Dreamer on his behavior and forced him to team with raven once again to face The Impact Players for the belts.They nearly had them beat until Dawn Marie threw powder in Dreamers eyes and of course he DDTed the first thing he came into contact with and that was Francine.But this time Francine accused Dreamer of doing it on purpose and slapped Dreamer on TNN, Dreamer treid to Pile Drive Fran, out comes Raven hits the Evenflow and started the war to beat all wars, leaving Tommy For Dead to face the Impact Players all alone.

Until Masato Tanaka came to the ring and helped Tommy defeat them in a impromtu tag team title match.The stage was set.At the ECW the next week Raven inlisted the help of ECW world champion Mike Awesome to team wit him against Dreamer and Tanaka, taking advantage of Dreamers bad back Awesome Awesome bombed Tommy into submission helping Raven take the belts away from them.The Impact players then issued a challenge to both teams for a 3 way dance at Living Dangerously.Dreamer and Tanaka took the challenge and promptly got rid of Awesome and Raven in the 3 way to cost them the belts but quickly lost them back to the impact players.Now Tommy Dreamer must face RAVEN once again.Will it be the same as last time, will Tommy win even with the $10,000 bounty on his head put there by Raven or will RAVEn win?????????