So what are you talking about, Handsome Johnny?

Good question!

To coin a phrase (from good old buddy James)
"I walked out on the mesa, and I stumbled on this song..."

As I wake to find you in my arms again
And thank the Lord for the gift of timely kindness
Which, of itself, is a fickle and selfish thing
Driving the soul through both light and darkness quickly
To blind us in the stunning light of mornings clarity
And while I delay the breaking of bread to hold you sweetly against me
My passions roll with the fevers and the engines of God
A soul in need of companionship and understanding, truly
And hoping that the crest of pride has fallen some
To reveal the truth as we choose to see it today
For life, and love, are ours to ponder, admire, or perhaps ignore
Which oft seems the safest footpath for weary travellers
And as our journeys temper us with its steely convictions
And our eyes are moistened by life itself, so bittersweet
I wake to find your memory in my empty arms again
And thank the Lord for the gift of timely kindness.
